Harvest red cabbage: harvest time and procedure

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
Vegetable Feast | Unique Asa-Lift harvester | Harvesting red cabbage
Video: Vegetable Feast | Unique Asa-Lift harvester | Harvesting red cabbage


Most red cabbage varieties are ready for harvest in August

Harvest red cabbage: harvest time and procedure

Red cabbage is delicious and healthy. Therefore, more and more hobby gardeners build it in their own garden. But what about the harvest? When is it ready for harvest and how is it properly harvested? We explain it.

Previous article Successfully grow red cabbage in your own garden Next article Store Red Cabbage: In the fridge, in the basement or in the freezer

Harvest time for red cabbage

Red cabbage can be brought forward from April and planted outdoors from May. Mini red cabbage can be harvested as early as June. These can not be stored for long. However, they are delicious and can be processed into decorative salads. There are also some early varieties that already have a stately size in June.
If you want to harvest red cabbage in "supermarket size", this is usually possible from mid-August to November.
Harvest your red cabbage when it is plump and round and has reached the desired size. Wait too long with the harvest, the red cabbage bursts and becomes tough. In addition, you should harvest red cabbage before the first frost, because he is not hardy.

The right approach to red cabbage harvesting

Once the cabbage reaches the desired size, arm yourself with a sharp, clean knife and get to work:

After harvest

If you want to store your red cabbage, you should never clean it with water and pay close attention to it during harvesting so that you do not damage it! Then it can be stored both in the refrigerator and in a cool cellar for several weeks to several months.

Key facts at a glance


The development time of red cabbage varies depending on the variety. Here we have summarized for you the most important varieties and the duration from sowing to harvesting.