Red clover increase - How red clover is multiplied!

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Red Clover! Red Clover! Send Nitrogen Right Over!
Video: Red Clover! Red Clover! Send Nitrogen Right Over!


For some a horror, for the other a dream: A carpet of red clover

Red clover increase - How red clover is multiplied!

Red clover does not always enjoy great popularity in the garden, because the weeds are difficult to combat. You can multiply red clover as an ornamental plant or for harvesting for kitchen and healing teas by sowing or rooting. Tips for the red clover increase.

Early article Red clover has a long flowering time

This is how red clover multiplies

Red clover multiplies on the one hand by the seed, which ripens in the pods of the legume. On the other hand, the long tap root forms many foothills from which expel new plants.

At a favorable location red clover multiplies by itself, and so strong that you hardly get the weed out of the garden again.

The seeds are scattered around the pods in all directions, so you can find new seedlings everywhere in the garden. The roots are so robust that even the smallest remnants produce new plants.

Pull new plants from seeds

To grow red clover in the garden yourself, you can multiply it by seeds, foothills or by root division. The red clover increase is possible from April to September.

For the red clover propagation by sowing, sprinkle the seeds on a nursery bed with normal garden soil. Red clover can also be sowed in the pot. However, the pot must be as deep as possible.

Red clover is a light germ and is not covered with soil. Keep the seed moist but not too wet.

Red clover multiply by foothills

Root division is unnecessary in red clover. The plant forms so many foothills that you can just cut out as many as you need.

Put them in loose garden earth or a pot prepared with garden soil. The planting distance should be at 20 centimeters.

Red clover propagation in a big way

Red clover is cultivated agriculturally. The plant is used for different purposes:

In order to obtain large quantities of new seed, red clover is sown and not propagated via root division. The seed is specially selected for the respective application. Red clover seed for fodder or green manure is not suitable for the cultivation of sprouts.


The flowers and leaves of red clover are edible. If you like to eat flower salads and vegetable soups or are looking for a nice decoration for vegetable platters, the red or pink flowers of red clover are a good alternative.