Detect and combat pests on the beech hedge

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Identify & Control Common Garden Pests by Leaf Signatures
Video: How to Identify & Control Common Garden Pests by Leaf Signatures


A healthy, strong beech hedge copes with a pest infestation alone

Detect and combat pests on the beech hedge

Beech-backed hedges are very robust and cause little problems at a favorable location. Occasionally it can come in damp or too dry summers to pest infestation. This will tell you which pests have infested your beech hedge. Tips to combat.

These pests are looking for red-ear hedge home

Basically, it can be said that older, healthy beech hedges can cope well with a pest infestation. A control of the pests is required especially in young red beech and freshly planted beech hedges.

However, if the beech trees are sickly anyway, you also have to free older hedges of pests.

In addition, you should ensure that the plants have enough nutrients available and they are neither too wet nor too dry. Regular cutting is also a good preventive measure against pest infestation.

Recognize and treat beech lice

The Buchenwolllaus or Buchenzierlaus can be a real problem. The lice cover the leaves with a sticky coating called honeydew. Often you will find ants on the leaves.

Cut off affected parts of the plant and discard them. If possible, do not use any chemical agents, as honeydew is also absorbed by bees. Plant the natural enemies of the aphid, lacewings, ladybugs and hoverflies, in the garden.

How to fight whiteflies and spider mites

White flies are found mainly on the undersides of the leaves, while spider mites stretch a network of fine threads over the leaves.

The cutting out of infected plant parts is the first measure. Furthermore, you must rake up and remove any fallen leaves. In it the pests overwinter.

The plant parts do not belong to the compost, but must be disposed of with the household waste.

The gall gnat does not cause any damage

If there are small bumps on the leaves, which are gelatinous or solid depending on the species, they are Gall bugs. They do not damage the beech hedge and disappear naturally with the deciduous waste in winter.


A harmless method for combating pests and diseases on the beech hedge is a self-made brew of nettle or horsetail. The non-flowering herb is collected and soaked in water for 24 hours. After straining, the broth is diluted and the red beech hedge sprayed several times.