Beech bees can be easily pulled as a bonsai

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bonsai for Free - Revisit of Beech Trees Project
Video: Bonsai for Free - Revisit of Beech Trees Project


The beech is ideal as a bonsai

Beech bees can be easily pulled as a bonsai

Beech trees are very good cut tolerant and also very robust trees. They are therefore ideal for bonsai breeding, especially as they set great accents with their beautiful autumn leaves. Tips for breeding a red beech as a bonsai.

Cut beech as bonsai

Red beech trees look their best in their natural form. You can, however, cut them into any desired shape. Only the broom shape is not suitable for red beech.

The cut is made twice a year, in the spring before budding and in the summer after the second shoot.

The spring cutback is stronger. The branches are cut back to a bud. Very large buds are removed before they expel. During the summer cut all new drives are shortened to a maximum of three leaves.

Only young shoots wire

Beech trees get very strong shoots, which can be wired only when young. The wire must be done carefully so that the bark does not tear.

If the beech is to be pulled into a specific shape, usually only the use of tension wire remains. He must, however, be removed in time, so he does not grow.

Repeat the beech regularly as a bonsai

Every two to three years the bonsai beech is repotted. At the same time, the roots are shortened in order to stem the growth of European beech.

As substrate is a mixture of

to recommend. Fertilization takes place from March to August.

The planter must be well drained, so that in no case waterlogging can form. The roots of bonsai beech must never dry out completely, but they should never be too damp. Pour regularly and make sure that excess irrigation water can drain off.

When the leaves of bonsai beech turn brown

When the beech leaves brighten, there may be iron deficiency, which can be eliminated by appropriate fertilizers.

Beech trees do not tolerate lime well. If possible, pour the bonsai with rainwater or decalcified water.


Beech trees, which you can shape into bonsai, can be found in the forest or in parks. You can also multiply the beech yourself by sowing beechnuts in the pot. However, beech bees do not develop germinable beechnuts until they are 30 years old.