Successfully multiply rosemary

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings using Two SIMPLE Methods!
Video: How to Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings using Two SIMPLE Methods!


Successfully multiply rosemary

Rosemary is very easy to multiply. But whatever method you choose, hygiene is an essential element of reproduction. The humid conditions in the seed tank are ideal for the development of fungal diseases, which is why all utensils and tools must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before use.

Earlier item harvesting and processing rosemary Next article For kitchen and medical science: Dry rosemary properly

Sow rosemary

The cultivation of own rosemary plants over seeds is not very straightforward. On the one hand, rosemary germinates only very unreliable - and unevenly - and on the other hand, you never know exactly what you actually get out in the end, d. H. which properties the plants propagated from seeds possess. Rosemary is, like so many herbs, a light germ. So you should cover the fine seeds only very thin with fine soil or just press and place in a warm and bright, but not full sun, location. Keep the substrate moist with a spray bottle. The seeds will, if all goes well, germinate within three to five weeks.

Multiply rosemary by cuttings

The simplest and most reliable method is the multiplication of rosemary via so-called head cuttings. These are young, not yet lignified shoots. The propagation of cuttings should take place in the late spring or early summer, ie at the beginning of the growing season. It is not necessary to root the freshly cut shoots in a jar of water - instead they can be put into a saucepan with a sand-earth mixture. Cuttings should only be cut off from healthy plants using a clean, disinfected knife. This reduces the risk of fungal infection.

Cut and pull the head cuttings from the rosemary

Provide a warm and humid environment by putting a transparent plastic bag over the cuttings. The bag must not touch the leaves. You can also put the cuttings in a seed box. Place the pot in a bright location without being directly exposed to the sun. Check it daily for signs of illness or dryness and treat it accordingly. Wrap it as soon as roots have formed after a few weeks.

Propagation over sinkers

In contrast to cuttings, sinkers are not immediately separated from the mother plant, but only when roots have already formed. Propagation over sinkers works this way:

Tips & Tricks

Larger rosemary bushes can also be multiplied very well by division. The advantages of this method are that older, woody rosemary are so rejuvenated and grow faster than cuttings.