Plant cattails in the garden or at the pond

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cattails KILLED this POND | Backyard Water Garden Installation
Video: Cattails KILLED this POND | Backyard Water Garden Installation


Cattail is a beautiful bank vegetation

Plant cattails in the garden or at the pond

The cattail (Typha) or lamp cleaner forms together with the reed a protected habitat for insects and reptiles as well as pase breeding possibilities for many waterfowl at many bathing lakes and in swampy swamp meadows. The decorative value of this easy-care plant also makes it an appreciated garden plant.

Previous article The cattail: is he under nature protection? Next article Dry cattail from the garden

How is the cattail properly planted?

In a marshy and slightly acidic garden soil young plants and offshoots are easily planted by the rhizome of the cattail by these are buried in the substrate at a shallow depth from spring to autumn. If, on the other hand, the cattail is to flower the riparian zone of a garden pond, planting in a special planting basket can prevent the plant from spreading too much in later years.

Which locations are suitable for the cattail?

The lamp shiner loves locations in the riparian zone of waters in which the rhizomes lie under the water surface all year round. However, the plants also cope with marshy meadow locations where a slightly acidic substrate is usually combined with a year-round soil moisture. If enough moisture is available to the cattail, it prefers full sun locations.

Can the cattail also be pulled out of seeds?

The seeds of the cattail are ideally seeded directly after the seed of the inflorescences in a muddy substrate in the field, since the correct temperature and humidity conditions in the house are difficult to follow consistently. The seeds survive the winter frost without any problems and germinate at the beginning of spring.

When can you transplant the cattail as gently as possible?

Least affected is the cattail in its growth when transplanted in spring. However, this species usually grows so much that transplanting during the summer usually has no serious impact on plant health. However, this requires the following factors:

How is the cattail usually propagated?

Since many of the cattail species distributed in Germany are not protected, the collection of their inflorescences or offshoots for private use outside of protected areas usually only requires the consent of the landowner. Faster and less complicated than growing the seeds, the multiplication works by dividing the rhizomes.

When does the cattail flower?

Depending on location and exact subspecies, the flowering period of the cattail usually extends from May to August.

How assertive is the cattail compared to other plants?

If the cattail is planted without effective limitation in the garden pond, so this can be quite a problem for weak-growing neighboring plants with its strong growth and as a nutrient. The reed can in this respect but keep pace with the cattail and behaves in the marshy soil and the pond similarly assertive.


The broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia), which grows up to 2 meters tall, can cope with planting in a water depth of up to 100 centimeters. The dwarf cattail (Typha minima), however, prefers water depths of 5 to 10 centimeters and should be planted only in more sheltered locations due to its easily kinkend stalks.