Care tips for the robinia

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Robinia Serie | Livin24
Video: Robinia Serie | Livin24


Older Robinia need almost no care

Care tips for the robinia

Create the best conditions for a healthy growth of your Robinia. Taking into account a few aspects, your otherwise unpretentious deciduous tree will develop even better. What is important in the care of a Robinia, the following article reveals.

What does the care of a robinia include?


Optimal way to plant your Robinia in a loose, well-drained soil. If these requirements are not met in your garden, it helps. to upgrade loamy or clay soil with coarse sand or organic compost. The fertilization of a robinia is required only at a young age. Then the tree can provide itself with sufficient nutrients.

to water

If your robinia is on very dry soil or is exposed to high heat, keep the substrate constantly moist. Otherwise, the same applies here as with the fertilizer application: only immediately after planting catchy casting is required.

To cut

The Robinia is a wonderfully easy-to-deciduous tree and shows even without pruning of a uniform growth. Disturbing or withered branches can still be removed. A pruning is only necessary if you want to hook your robinia at a certain height. An exception are breeding forms of the tree. Select a day to cut in January or February. Small interventions can be done all year round, but never during spring release.


Robinia are hardy plants and can spend the whole year outdoors. A mulch layer or brushwood provides extra protection.

Protection against pests and diseases

Often, lice infest the robinia. You recognize these yellow, withered leaves against the pests, you get chemical funds in the nursery. However, if it is the Robinia Minier Moth, there is no need for action. The deciduous tree develops its own defense system to make up the larvae.