Sow and plant larkspur

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sowing Larkspur
Video: Sowing Larkspur


Larkspur likes it sunny

Sow and plant larkspur

The delphinium (Delphinium) is a classic and very popular cottage garden plant, which offers a widely visible eye-catcher with its mostly bright blue flower candles. Even in the perennial flowerbed, the majestic plant is a dominant feature and is particularly popular with bed roses.

Early article Caution! All parts of the Delphinium are highly poisonous Next article Sunny location is ideal for larkspur

Which location does Ríttersporn prefer?

Delphiniums love the sun, so the location should be as sunny as possible.

Which substrate needs larkspur?

Normally, a standard garden soil with loamy-humus soil is completely sufficient. However, this should be very nutrient-rich, since the larkspur is a strong typhoon. If necessary, you should enrich the substrate accordingly with compost etc.

Is Delphinium planted or seeded?

Delphinium is usually sown and not planted. Only in the house preferred specimens can be planted from about mid-May outdoors.

What is better: direct sowing or preferring?

Most of the seeds of the delphinium are applied directly in the garden bed. If you want to be on the safe side, you can also prefer the young little plants on your windowsill.

When should larkspur be planted / seeded?

The direct sowing takes place, depending on the variety of the Delphinium, between May and September. Specimens seeded in late summer or autumn usually do not bloom until the following year, but hibernate easily in the garden. However, this does not apply to all Delphinium varieties, as it is a distinction between perennial and one- and two-year old lark spurs. In particular, the one to two-year-old varieties should therefore be preferred from about mid-February to early March on the windowsill and later planted as young plants.

Which planting distance should be kept?

Delphiniums can grow up to two meters high and tolerate the competition of other perennials only badly. Therefore, they should have as free as possible and be set with a minimum distance of one meter to the next plant. Young delphiniums are piked from a height of about 15 centimeters.

How can I multiply Delphinium?

The multiplication of the larkspur depends on the specific variety, but is often done by sowing. Some larkspur can also be propagated by division or by cuttings. As a rule of thumb, perennial varieties are propagated vegetatively and one to two year olds via seeds.

When does larkspur flourish?

Delphinium blooms in June / July and, after a vigorous pruning, again in September / October.

Good neighbors / bad neighbors

Knight spurs in combination with roses, lady's mantle, stork beak, lupines and other perennials with similar demands on soil and care look particularly beautiful.

Tips & Tricks

Larkspur must not be pressed by neighboring perennials, but should be as free as possible. Otherwise, it can happen that the stressed plant simply drops out the flower.