Maintain panicle hydrangea in the bucket

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer
Video: Pruning Panicle Hydrangeas 💚🌿 // Garden Answer


Panicle hydrangeas in the tub must be watered regularly

Maintain panicle hydrangea in the bucket

In contrast to the farmer and garden hydrangea, panicle hydrangeas are considered sufficiently hardy to be planted in climatically rougher regions. In addition, many varieties reach a considerable height and width, with hydrangea paniculata, as the panicle hydrangea is botanically correct, can be limited by cutting measures.

The pase planter and substrate

Pot hydrangeas need a planter whose diameter is at least two-thirds of the diameter of the plant, also you must not save on the earth. Good substrates are characterized by the fact that they are evenly crumbly and store moisture. They contain a sufficiently high proportion of clay minerals and high-quality peat. Rhododendron earth is best.

Fertilize bucket hydrangea regularly

Ready-to-use substrates additionally contain storage fertilizers and thus all nutrients necessary for plant growth. Subsequent fertilization is therefore only six to eight weeks after planting necessary. Thereafter, it makes sense to use special liquid fertilizer for bog beds. Fertilize your panicles hydrangeas cultivated in the bucket about every 8 to 14 days.

Pour panicle hydrangea in the bucket properly

Since the root space of all plants that grow in boxes, pots and pots is always limited, they must be watered regularly. Otherwise, the root balls will dry out quickly. Daily watering, in the summer heat also in the morning and in the evening, is an absolute must, so that your panicle hydrangea on balcony and terrace in top form present.

Instructions for pouring hydrangeas

Before casting, check the surface of the substrate. Is it already dried, it is high time for watering.Pour generously, but slowly - this way the earth can not be washed out. Excess irrigation water runs out through the drain holes on the floor again. If you have coasters under the pots, drain the water in them. Panicle hydrangeas are very sensitive to waterlogging.

Cut panicle hydrangea

Panicle hydrangeas bloom on annual wood and can therefore be cut back vigorously in the spring, before the shoots. This is even very useful, because the cut stimulates the growth of new shoots and thus the flower formation. Even after flowering, the shoots can already be cut back a bit. Repotting is done either in spring or after flowering in autumn.

Overwinter panicle hydrangea in bucket

Container hydrangeas can be outdoors between March and November. Panicle hydrangeas tolerate a few degrees, but should not be exposed to the cold for a long time. The problem with potted plants is, even if they are really hardy, that the root ball freezes much faster than in the bed. Therefore, the plants must winter in a frost-free, but cool and bright place as possible.

Tips & Tricks

The dwarf varieties "Bobo" and "Dharuma", which are quite low in size, are ideal for the bucket, but also larger varieties such as "Phantom" or "Vanilla Fraise".