Cutting rhododendron properly - tutorial for the masterly cut

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Cutting rhododendron properly - tutorial for the masterly cut

As long as a rhododendron presents itself in the magnificent floral robe, the gardener rightly wasted no thought on the cut. With age, the ornamental shred visibly blurs and is only a shadow of itself. At least now you should note a pruning in the care plan. When and how to skilfully trim a rhododendron shrub will illuminate this tutorial in great detail.

Reasons for a rhododendron cut - briefs in brief

About the beginning of the cut care is widely agreed among Rhododendron experts. In the first years you should allow the picturesque flowering shrub. The opulent ornamental wood develops an inimitable habit with a stable framework and a compact stature. Each spring, the colorful flower clusters unfold from the buds that were created last year.

Planting and educational cuts are to be deleted without replacement on the rhododendron. Apart from a summer flower care a Rhododendron does not need a cut in the first years. Only when the balanced growth starts to falter with age, can optical interference be the reason for a cut. Which of these are which, which goal is targeted and which timing is advantageous, summarizes the following table:

For all dwarf rhododendrons (Rhododendron repens), only the flower care is of concern. Popular varieties, such as 'Pumuckl', remain comparatively small and compact at 50 centimeters in growth height. This does not change even after many years, so you do not have to think about a maintenance or rejuvenation cut. Regular cleaning of withered inflorescences will thank the little beauties with a dense flower dress that covers the green leaves.

Flower care on Rhododendron - sham cut without scissors

Two convincing arguments speak in favor of an annual flower care: in the withered state, a rhododendron is truly no feast for the eyes. In addition, the buds are already below the faded flowers for the next bud. A secateurs is not necessary for the care measure. To wipe out withered rhododendron flowers by hand:

The sooner you dedicate your time to cleaning, the easier it is. Keep an eye on the new buds and fresh shoots beneath the withered flowers. At this early stage of growth, the plant parts are sensitive and break off quickly.


Remove water shot in a timely manner

For the removal of naughty Wasserschosser the fastest time is the best time. By this term are meant steeply upwardly directed branches from the game pad. The most beautiful rhododendron varieties are the product of horticultural refinement. A precious piece is grafted onto a sturdy game pad with great dexterity. From the wild subset regularly grow vigorous shoots to overgrow the precious part and make him dispute nutrients. Wild shoots reveal themselves by markedly large leaf distances, the internodes. If you get in the way of a water shot, cut or tear off the shoot immediately.

Conservation section has individual drives in the sights

Sometimes protruding branches out of a rhododendron and disturb the neat appearance. These shoots are a case for the conservation cut. If you care that the pruning is not visible at first glance, we recommend this cutting technique:

The cutting guide is a combination of derivation cut and pin cut. With this strategy, you reliably prevent unsightly gaps and optimize the chances of a new budding at this point. The figure below illustrates the procedure. On the other hand, if you saw off a cheeky branch without a plan, you will have to look for young shoots in vain and live many years with a big hole in the foliage.

If individual branches protrude out of the rhododendron cheekily and bald, a derivation cut brings the shoots to Raison. Shorten the unfavorable shoot so far that a young, short runner assumes the new leadership position. Small cones with leaf promote the re-emergence, because the nutrient supply is not interrupted.


Cutting technique "on cones" makes tired rhododendrons lively

In editing instructions for rhododendrons there is regularly talk of a sophisticated cutting technique, which is crucial for the result. For this reason, we deepen the procedure at this point. Rhododendrons rarely drive out of old wood again. By cutting a small cone with leaves, shoots or sleeping eyes, you will boost growth. The plant parts mentioned uphold the nutrient supply, so that the shrub continues growth at this point. Always cut on the leafed shoot "on spigot" with a side, outward-facing blade. On the limb branch, put the scissors 5 centimeters behind a crotch to the younger runner. Where both are missing, search or feel a sleeping eye under the bark and apply your newly acquired know-how. Then exercise patience. It may take more than a year for the shoot to get going.

Rejuvenation cut reverses aging - step by step it succeeds

If the ravages of time gnaws at a rhododendron, you are not powerless to the gradual dislocation. Spread over several years you can rejuvenate the old, weed shrub. Please do not be tempted to put the sparrige, verkahlende ornamental wood in one go on the stick. In this case, the total failure is inevitable. Better is you follow the tutorial of this tutorial. How to do it right:

The picture below illustrates the first stage on the way to rejuvenation. Then fertilize the cut rhododendron generously with foliage compost and horn shavings or special rhododendron fertilizer with an NPK formulation of 14 + 7 + 14. This is followed by a one-year wait until the procedure continues as a combination of rejuvenation cut and rejuvenation cut. How to do it, you can read in the following section.

In the first stage of a rejuvenation, remove a maximum of one third of all shoots or divert them to a lower side shoot. Let stand again 5 centimeters small cones.


Right cutting tool is crucial

The rhododendron cut becomes a horticultural success story when the right tool is used. The basic equipment for uninterrupted work should be the adequate pair of scissors or saw for every type of cutting and driving force. For shoots up to 2 centimeters thick, the one-handed secateurs, with either bypass or anvil mechanism. Branches with a diameter of 2 to 4 centimeters can be mastered with a two-hand pruning shears or a folding saw. For a Auslichtungsschnitt the majestic shrub with branches of 4 centimeters in diameter and more, a high-quality sword or hacksaw must not be missed.

Construction cut completes the rejuvenation - that's the way it works

Under ideal conditions, the first cones will drift out in the summer after rejuvenation. Pine remnants dry in parallel with the growth and can be easily removed. The following spring, cut back the next third of outmoded branches by using the combined lead and pin cut. The illustration below illustrates the correct procedure.

Take a closer look at all young ground shoots on this occasion. Choose the strongest specimens and cut weak competitors' rivals off the ground.

If no pin is driven out, move the second tapering step for another year. Lack of growth of young shoots signals that your rhododendron is still suffering from the hardships of the first leg. By refraining from further cutting, you give the shrub an opportunity to gather its strength.

In the year after rejuvenation at the interfaces, the first young shoots form, the next third of old shoots are rejuvenated. Without a fresh shoot, wait until next year for the next stage.


Wound closure on rhododendron is out of date - with one exception

Exposing old, thick branches or a rejuvenating cut leaves large cuts on the rhododendron. Modern house gardeners leave the shrub the healing process and no longer seal the wounds with tree wax. Recent scientific research has shown that there is dividing tissue in every tree and shrub under the bark - the cambium. After wounding, cambium forms wound wood to cover the damaged area. This natural form of regeneration trumps horticultural measures by far. As a result, tree waxes and other wound closure products are discarded in the home garden. The only exception is a thin layer of tree wax along the edges of the wound, if frost could damage the precious cambium.

frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between rhododendron and azalea?

The genus rhododendron includes more than 1000 species, including azaleas. For this reason, the popular Japanese azalea is referred to by botanists as Rhododendron japonicum. Regardless of the close botanical relationship, you can distinguish both flowering shrubs by optical characteristics. A rhododendron thrives as an evergreen, mostly spreading shrub. Azaleas, on the other hand, shed their leaves in autumn or winter and develop an upright, less space-consuming stature.

Are rhododendron bushes poisonous?

Most rhododendron species and varieties contain a cocktail of various toxins. Not only the leaves are harmful to health, but also roots, buds, flowers and fruits. Excessive consumption causes severe poisoning symptoms in humans and animals from nausea and vomiting to respiratory distress and slowed cardiac activity. Please only integrate a rhododendron into the garden design if the plant is out of the reach of children and animals. Protect yourself while cutting with gloves. Do not dispose of clippings on compost or pasture, but in the bio-waste bin.

Can I use clippings for the propagation of cuttings?

The propagation of rhododendrons with cuttings is a challenge, even among plant experts. Nurseries usually increase the ornamental tree by finishing. Instead of messing around with these complicated methods, we recommend the lowering method. Semi woody shoots near the ground are perfect. First remove all side shoots and lightly scrape the fabric on the bottom. The drive unit with the wound site dig in the ground. The drive end you fix on a wooden stick. Mother plant and offshoot remain connected until a separate root system has developed on the offspring.

Rhododendron buds die - what to do?

They describe the typical symptom of a fungal infection caused by the rhododendron cicada. Insects on the bud cause tiny wounds that use fungal pathogens as entry portals. Remove dead flower buds promptly and dispose of them with household waste. So that it does not get that far, you can prevent the female cicadas in August and September with yellow sheets at a laying eggs.

The 3 most common cut defects

There is no master for the rhododendron cut from the sky. Although the beautiful flowering shrubs are easy to maintain per se, a pruning requires attention to the special growth characteristics. The following table would like to arm you for the three most common cutting errors with prevention tips.



Transplanting Rhododendron requires a rethinking of the cut. While in other garden shrubs a pruning is part of the standard procedure, the measure is deleted in rhododendrons replacement. The juice pressure is simply too low to expel again after a change of location and pruning. Therefore, pay special attention to a transplanted rhododendron during watering and fertilizing so that it can balance the lost root volume with its own power.