Proper care of rhubarb starts with fertilization

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertilizing Rhubarb Garden Quick Tip The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener
Video: Fertilizing Rhubarb Garden Quick Tip The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener


Proper care of rhubarb starts with fertilization

As a hard-earger, rhubarb is anything but a hunger artist. Proper fertilization is therefore the decisive factor for a successful cultivation. What nutrients matter and how they are administered is not a book with seven seals.

Organic fertilizer quenches the hunger for nutrients

All other aspects of caring for a rhubarb plant revolve around adequate nutrient supply. For environmental and health-conscious hobby gardeners, the use of chemical preparations prohibits by itself. It is rather the following organic fertilizers, which are at the center of the fertilizer activities:

Where a compost heap is not available, hobby gardeners resort to natural alternatives. In specialized trade, certified organic products are available for nutrient supply. They are, for example, composed of beet pulp, horn meal and microorganisms. In addition, seaweed juice is becoming an effective fertilizer.

Nitrogen-stressed fertilize only after the harvest

After the end of the rhubarb season, nitrogen is gaining importance for nutrient supply. The plant should now regenerate and gather strength for the next year. The following organic fertilizers should be preferred from the end of June:

Ideal as liquid fertilizer for rhubarb in container culture is algae juice. With green and brown algae as the main ingredients, the fertilizer provides the starfish with all the important organic nutrients and minerals.

Rhubarb plant at the fertilizer source

Regular fertilization with compost costs strength. It is important to shovel the heavy-weight material onto the wheelbarrow, transport it to the rhubarb and work it into the soil. Inventive hobby gardeners therefore plant their rhubarb in the immediate vicinity of the compost heap.

Tips & Tricks

If the harvest can not start early enough, it will surround its rhubarb with a thick layer of well seasoned horse manure from January / February. The natural material not only provides plenty of nutrients, but also warms the soil so effectively that, with a bit of luck, the first rods can be harvested in March.