Ripe pomegranates are a pleasure

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
The BEST Way To Open & Eat A Pomegranate
Video: The BEST Way To Open & Eat A Pomegranate


Ripe pomegranates are a pleasure

A ripe pomegranate is a delight, whether pure, in salad or to refine meat dishes. The juicy seeds taste fruity-sweet with a slightly tart note. However, this unique taste experience is unique to ripe fruit.

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The pomegranates are similar in shape to the native apples, but have a very firm, leathery shell and in their interior instead of pulp a variety of edible seeds. It should be several hundred. The seeds consist of a small, firm core, which is surrounded by a bulging, glassy-looking, pink to deep red fruit coat filled with juice.

When can you buy ripe pomegranates?

In Germany you can buy the ripe pomegranates in the period between September and December. These are mainly made

imported. In the countries of origin, the pomegranates are harvested when fully ripe, as the fruits do not ripen.

How can you recognize ripe fruits?

The ripeness of a pomegranate can not be determined by the smell or sound. Whether a fruit is immature can be judged solely by its appearance. In contrast to the conventional apples, in which the beautiful appearance suggests the tasty content, the most delicious pomegranates usually look unattractive.

Its shell is spotted, irregularly colored, depending on the variety reddish, light orange to yellowish or brownish. It has small dents or bumps and a withered flower approach. In addition, she is often very hard, feels rough and cracked, almost woody. For the ripening test it is essential to touch the skin with your fingers. Soft, discolored spots indicate rotting inside.

Open ripe fruits carefully

Ripe fruits are easy to break up. The kernels of such fruits simply fall out on the shell when lightly tapped. Because of the juicy content, be careful when opening a ripe fruit. The dark red juice leaves stains on ilien and wood. If you roll a ripe fruit extensively over the work surface before opening, the juice gushes out when you cut it.

The pomegranates - although harvested ripe - are long-lasting thanks to their protective shell. In the refrigerator, they can be kept for several months without loss of quality. Even if the fruits look a bit dried after being stored for a long time, the kernels inside remain fresh and juicy.

Tips & Tricks

If a pomegranate dehydrates you so much that you can no longer eat it, the exotic fruit is perfect for decoration purposes, especially during Advent and Christmas. The woody fruit can be given a new shine by rubbing in paint or dusting with gold dust.

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