Cleverly remove old lawn - the best 4 options

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Cleverly remove old lawn - the best 4 options

If the lawn looks like a sad fallow landscape, a new plant is the perfect solution. To remove the disused lawn professionally, you have the choice of various methods. Which are these, we explain here.

Previous article How to complete lawn care with care

Remove turf with muscle fat - tedious but cost-effective

The simplest method for removing a lawn is at the same time the most strenuous. The only working material is the spade, so that in this case only the disposal could cause costs. How to proceed:

In order to be able to remove the lawn completely, the turfs are recorded including 8-10 centimeters of the subsoil. If the grass is completely removed, you can not avoid plowing. Only in this way is it ensured that all roots are removed.

Remove turf by plowing

With a tiller gardeners get an effective working aid to remove an old lawn. The machine witches the complete grass sod in short and small, at the same time the soil is thoroughly loosened up to a depth of 60-80 centimeters. The disadvantage of this method lies in the fact that not only the grasses, but all weeds are distributed on the surface.

Removing a lawn using a tiller is only recommended if a fast-guarded lawn replacement is subsequently planted. If the previous lawn converted into a horse meadow or marsh meadow, plowing is also considered.

So just peel out old lawn

Since the invention of the lawn peeling machine unwanted grass surface are removed by simple removal. So uncomplicated you get rid of the old lawn:

At the end, the grass surface presents itself as if nothing had happened. In fact, the lawn can now be pulled off in individual tracks, which are rolled up and disposed of.

So the lawn disappears without your intervention

Hobby gardeners with a long patience thread spread an opaque tarpaulin on the unsightly lawn. As photosynthesis stops, the grass and weeds die off. After about 6-24 months, the covered area is bare of any vegetation.

From the handle to a total herbicide is however urgently advised against. Not only the plants but also all soil organisms in the radius of action die. In the worst case, the ecological balance of the entire garden tilts under this mighty chemical club.

Tips & Tricks

The innovative turf sandwich method saves clever hobby gardeners cumbersome removal of the old lawn before a new plant. Just mow very quickly, compensate for bumps with a compost-sand mix and lay the turf on it. Special measures against weeds are not necessary as it is cut off from any access to sunlight under the compact turf - no photosynthesis without light.