Grow Goji berry yourself - hardy in the field?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 7 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Plant Goji Berries
Video: How to Plant Goji Berries


The goji berry easily survives German winters

Grow Goji berry yourself - hardy in the field?

The Goji berry is still liable due to their Far Eastern origin in this country, a certain exoticism, although the cultivation now established in Germany. The "common buckthorn" is basically also able to cope with severe winters if certain conditions are met.

Overgrow mature shrubs in the outdoor bed

Adult bushes of the Goji berry are usually able to hibernate outdoors, even in locations with severe continental winters, as they can withstand frosty temperatures of up to - 25 degrees Celsius without damage. However, it is important that the plants stand in the ground in a sunny and warm summer location without waterlogging. Otherwise, it could happen that specimens in permanently damp locations due to root rot, mildew and other diseases.

Unprotect young plants from severe frost

Fresh seedlings purchased from the hothouse or self-grown will not be hardy enough to survive the mid-European winter in the open air, especially after an autumn planting. To prevent plant losses due to winter cold, you should:

Protect the roots of potted plants from the cold

The roots of potted plants on a terrace are generally exposed to winter cold much more exposed than the soil-protected roots of plants in the outdoor bed. Therefore you should protect in the pot cultivated goji berries in the area of ​​the roots from particularly cold Nachtfrösten, by wrapping the pot with bubble wrap. It can also protect against particularly heavy frosts when potted plants are not directly on the stone floor of a terrace, but are placed on a thick polystyrene plate. Since goji berries grown in the pot are more easily dried out by the wind, they should sometimes be watered on frost-free days.


Although Goji berries generally prefer a very sunny and warm location. However, during the winter months they should not be positioned next to a wall where there are blatant differences between daytime and nighttime temperatures.