The care of Tagetes - with our tips very easy

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 most important things to know about marigold | Organic garden | e URBAN ORGANIC GARDEN
Video: 5 most important things to know about marigold | Organic garden | e URBAN ORGANIC GARDEN


The Tagetes is happy about regular watering

The care of Tagetes - with our tips very easy

The Marigold family of the daisy family is one of the most popular flowering plants in the garden. No wonder, because with proper care it proves to be a very grateful and blooming garden beauty.

Early article How are the flowers properly planted? Next article The heyday of Tagetes

How many times does it have to be poured?

Even though Tagetes copes well with prolonged periods of drought in its natural habitat, you should not let the plant thirst unnecessarily on hot days. Always water when the upper centimeters of the earth feel dry. This may even be necessary twice a day on hot summer days.

If you have cultivated the Tagetes in pails on the balcony, the pretty marigold needs much more water than in the bed. Therefore check on rainy days whether additional watering is necessary.

How is fertilized?

Tagetes are quite undemanding. Over-fertilization is quickly reflected in a lack of flowering. The Marigold flower shoots up instead and forms plenty of foliage. Tagetes used in planters should therefore not be fertilized at all, since the substrate contains sufficient nutrients for a whole whole garden year. In the bed you can additionally feed the marigold once or twice in the season with organic fertilizer.

Does the tagetes have to be cut?

A strong pruning is not necessary. Since each Tagetesblüte holds about three weeks, you only have to cut off every week at the withered.

What happens in the winter?

Since the marigold is not hardy, it enters quickly at minus temperatures. If you would like to cultivate a particularly beautiful specimen, you should therefore transplant it into a pot in time and bring it to the house. A space-consuming wintering of the Tagetes is not necessary because the little beauties can easily be drawn from self-obtained seeds.

Which diseases and pests threaten?

The marigold is surprisingly resistant. However, flowers and leaves are a special treat for many snails. If you use the Tagetes as an ornamental plant, you should protect the Tagetes from the greedy animals by means of a snail fence.


Some Tagetessortenorten such as the Tagetes tenuifolia and the Tagetes filifolia have edible flowers that taste very aromatic.