How to Maintain Your Discounts - Tips and Tricks

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
ONLINE SHOPPING DISCOUNT HACKS | 10 Tips & Tricks to Save Money
Video: ONLINE SHOPPING DISCOUNT HACKS | 10 Tips & Tricks to Save Money


Weeds should be removed from time to time

How to Maintain Your Discounts - Tips and Tricks

Mostly, borders are laid out as narrow beds, along a path or on the edge of a lawn. They should provide color in the garden or in a park. Therefore, many of them are replanted every season.

But rebates can also lie along a wall or wall. Then the difficulty in nursing is that it can only be accessed or edited from one side. Accordingly, the breadth of discounts should be chosen.

Maintain exchange discounts

Change discounts are planted according to the season again and again. Their care consists of regular watering and weeding. Cutting measures are usually not necessary, because on borders usually no cut flowers are planted. Relatively time-consuming and possibly costly, however, the new planting several times a year. But you have all year round a wonderful flower in your garden.

The maintenance of exchange rebates:

The care of permanent discounts

If you have opted for the unique planting of hardy perennials, then you can look forward to an easy-care bed in the next few years. But you can not expect months of flowers. With a sensible combination of premature and late flowering plants, however, you will come very close to these expectations.

For example, if you plant roses, they must be pruned regularly. This stimulates the plants to bud again. Onion flowers of snowdrops, crocuses and winterlings provide an early flower decoration in late winter and early spring. These will bring you to the ground already in autumn. The foliage cut only when it is completely dried up.

The perennial discounts

Different perennials can be combined in such a way that always some of them bloom. They also go well with ornamental grasses. These beds should be sufficiently fertilized in spring and summer and watered if necessary.


As a rule, borders have fixed beds. This limits the growth of grass into the borders.