How to maintain your finger aralia - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 11 May 2024
How To Care For A  Aralia Plant | Easy Care Tips, Great Indoor House Plant, Low Light Office Plant
Video: How To Care For A Aralia Plant | Easy Care Tips, Great Indoor House Plant, Low Light Office Plant


The Fingeraralie is considered quite easy to maintain

How to maintain your finger aralia - tips and tricks

The Fingeraralie is considered quite easy to care for and not difficult to multiply. Unfortunately, it is one of the poisonous green plants and is therefore only partially suitable for households with small children and / or pets. It can cause gastrointestinal problems, skin and mucous membrane irritation.

Plant the fingeraralia and repot

The Fingeraralie needs no special soil, normal houseplants or Kübelerde is quite enough. Since it does not tolerate waterlogging, you should ensure a good permeability of the soil and create a drainage layer in the plant pot.

The fingeraralie does not grow too fast, so it does not need to be repotted often. Every two years, treat her to a slightly larger pot in the spring. Immediately after repotting, you can safely skip the next fertilizer application during finger artery. The fresh earth contains enough nutrients.

The ideal location for the Fingeraralie

As a tropical plant, the Fingeraralie (bot. Schefflera elegantissima) prefers a warm location with lots of light. On drafts, it reacts quite sensitive, as well as the blazing sun. Lights shadows or penumbra gets the Fingeraralie best, to room temperatures between 19 ° C and 25 ° C.

The Fingeraralie pour properly and fertilize

Pour your Schefflera elegantissima when the top layer of soil dries slowly. If the root ball becomes too dry, the finger artery may discard its leaves. Use rainwater or stale tap water as the plant is sensitive to lime. In the growth phase, add some liquid fertilizer once or twice a month to the irrigation water.

The Fingeraralie in the winter

In winter, the Fingeraralie takes a break during which she needs a little less water and no fertilizer. It may be a bit cooler during this time than in the summer months, but the temperature should never fall below 15 ° C.

The essentials in brief:


The easy to care for finger aralia is a very attractive green plant, but should be out of the reach of children and animals.