Primroses in the apartment: Can that be good?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: PRIMROSE HILL- The Best Free View Of London


Primroses can also be kept well as a potted plant in the home with the right care

Primroses in the apartment: Can that be good?

From late winter to spring, the primroses are at their best. They are in full bloom and bring color to the apartment. But are primroses even suitable for the culture in the home?

The best location - bright and cool

Primroses in the apartment should be bright but not sunny. On a windowsill, which faces south, the primroses quickly become too warm. As a result, the flowers fade and last less. In addition, the Heizungsnähe ensures dry air that does not get the primroses at all well.

Better suited is a window sill in north facing position. Optimally, the room with temperatures between 5 and 15 ° C is correspondingly cool. Primroses can thrive there. In the living room, such temperatures are rather uncommon. If necessary, do you have such temperatures in your bedroom?

The alternative to a cool room: moisture

If you can not keep your primroses cool, you should provide them with plenty of moisture. It is best to spray it with water from a hand sprayer every 1 to 2 days. But beware: only spray the leaves and stems, but not the flowers!

What care do the pot primroses need?

The top priority is: Pour! Primroses in the dwelling evaporate a lot of water especially during their main growing season in late winter and spring. This is reinforced by high-turned radiators.

The primroses should be watered regularly and evenly. It is important to keep the soil moist. It is ideal if the earth never dries up and at the same time never drips with moisture. Low-water, room-warm water is used for casting.

When fertilizing, there are the following points to take heed:

Primroses do not have to be cut. It is sufficient if you remove the withered flowers in time, so that in their place new flowers can form. Furthermore, you should take away withered leaves.

Tips & Tricks

For a rich flowering, primroses need temperatures of around 10 ° C for at least 4 weeks.