Do primroses tolerate frost?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
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Video: Bust Open Those Winter Jugs - Happy Results


Most primrose species tolerate frost

Do primroses tolerate frost?

Primroses are the first flowers in spring with daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops. With their brightly colored flowers they bring color into the drab landscape. Some even celebrate their heyday when the temperature is around freezing. Does that mean automatically, all primroses are frost hardy?

Previous article The right care of a primrose: That's what matters!

Most species tolerate frost

Most Primelarten, which are available in this country in hardware stores, supermarkets and garden centers in the pot, are hardy. They can live with the right amount of care for many years and bloom happily every spring.

But some species such as the well-known cup primrose tolerate minus degrees less and are not frost-resistant. With them, it is advisable to put them in the house as protection against frost or to cover them with an insulating layer. The well-known cushion primroses and cowslip are hardy in this country.

Protect primroses from heavy frost

Primroses that you have already planted in the garden should be protected when a harsh winter is announced. If temperatures fall below -5 ° C in the long term you should have protective materials ready. For example, you can protect your primroses with the following materials:

Alternatively, you can dig up the primroses, place them in a pot or a basket and overwinter them at home or in the gazebo. It is important that the wintering place is frost-free, but cool. Temperatures should be between 3 and 10 ° C. When wintering, care should be taken not to fertilize the primroses, but to pour moderately and regularly.

Protect primroses in the pot from frost

For example, if the primroses in the pot are placed on the balcony or terrace, they should receive increased attention in winter. The pot could freeze and die off the plant. In addition, at a few degrees below 0, the flowers could freeze. Therefore, these primroses should be best wrapped in newspaper and covered when temperatures fall below 0 ° C.

If it is colder than -5 ° C, the primroses should be put in the pot. But they should not come to the warm living room. Better is a frost-free, but cool place like the basement or the stairwell.

Do not plant primroses when frosty

Although most primates tolerate frost, they should never be planted on a frosty day. Frozen soil makes planting much more difficult and the roots of the primroses may freeze. Better is the plants from 5 ° C.

Primroses, which you already receive in January / February in the garden center, should also not be planted immediately into the open. It is better to put them first in the apartment and from March to plant or slowly to get used to the cooler temperatures outside.

Tips & Tricks

A location close to the house protects the primroses from strong weather conditions. In addition, houses from inside radiate a certain amount of warmth, which is good for the primroses when it is frosty.