The best location for the Prachtscharte

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Liatris spicata, Prachtscharte
Video: Liatris spicata, Prachtscharte


The Prachtscharte loves sun

The best location for the Prachtscharte

The so-called Prachtscharte (Liatris spicata) carries its name rightly, after all, attract the colorful inflorescences with their nectar during flowering and many pretty butterflies. Since the cultivation also succeeds inexperienced gardeners with little care, the splendor is a grateful addition to the perennial flowerbed.

Next article Plant the magnificent plume for magnificent flowers properly

Lay the foundation stone for abundance of flowers with a well-selected location

The Prachtscharte grows in the nature of North America in warm, sun-drenched landscapes with humusem soil.When planting in the garden, the chosen location should be as follows:

In summer, the Prachtscharte tolerates even periods of short drought. On the other hand, it does not tolerate very heavy, compacted soils with a tendency to waterlogging. In the case of a culture in the tub, care should therefore be taken to select the right plant substrate.


The heat-loving Prachtscharte thrives particularly well in wind-sheltered places next to south, southeast or southwest aligned house or natural stone walls.