Plant the magnificent plum for magnificent flowers properly

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Planting a Front Garden Bed for a Friend! 🌿 🌸 // Garden Answer


Young splendor need a lot of care

Plant the magnificent plum for magnificent flowers properly

Originally from North America originating Lahrscharte (Liatris spicata) is an exotic-looking, yet uncomplicated winter hardy perennial, which looks like a kind of grass with thickened to extremely thick flower spikes blades of grass. Already at the planting you lay the foundation for the beauty and the care expenditure of the Prachtscharten in the garden.

Previous article The best location for the Prachtscharte Next article The optimal care for the Prachtscharte in your own garden

What to pay attention to when planting the magnificent scarf?

Just recently, seedlings of the yellow-throated deciduous plum are in great need of care and should only be planted in the field at rising spring temperatures. In the case of planting plants and container culture, it should equally be borne in mind that good soil preparation offers the best start-up aid for freshly planted beauty spots.

At which location does the Ährige Prachtscharte feel particularly well?

The Prachtscharte loves locations with lots of sun and a sheltered, warm position in the garden. However, even in the summer, the roots of the plant should never completely dry out. Therefore, you should simply cover the soil around the plants with a layer of mulch to avoid having to pour less.

Which breeding path leads to particularly good results at the Prachtscharte?

From late April or early May, the seeds of Liatris spicata can be sown directly in the field. Before that, it is also possible to put it on the windowsill, but cultures covered with foils or greenhouses must be regularly ventilated so that no mold is formed.

How can stocks of pollen in the garden easily be increased?

The easily winterhardy Prachtscharte is certainly in cool locations for many years and grows over the years to horstartigen stocks. These can be thinned or transplanted by propagating the plants by rhizome division. To do this, proceed as follows:

In which period do beautiful flowers bloom?

As a rule, beauty spots bloom relatively persistently between July and September. It is particularly noticeable that the single flowers bloom from top to bottom on the white or violet-red flower ears.


The division of the rhizomes should take place at the Prachtscharte as a rejuvenation measure every 4 to 5 years, so that the vitality of the plants is maintained.