The Porcelain Flower: Toxic to Humans?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: The Zombie Song - Zombie AU pt. 1 - Animated Music Video


Especially toddlers should be kept away from the pretty flowers of the poisonous porcelain flower

The Porcelain Flower: Toxic to Humans?

While, for example, the fruits of the yew in the garden can easily be eaten by songbirds and the poisonous nuclei undigested can be excreted again, these have an accidental consumption by humans sometimes fatal. A central question is therefore in many garden and indoor plants, whether they are especially toxic to humans or their pets.

The waxflower: Toxic or not?

The question of the toxicity of the genus Hoya can not be answered with a clear yes or no: Although some listings the plant as supposedly non-toxic and recommended for cats houseplant out, however, toxicological institutes warn against the poison content of some species of wax flower. In addition, the subspecies of the genus "Hoya" from the tropics of Asia and Australia, usually referred to here as wax flower or porcelain flower, can not always be easily distinguished from one another. If in doubt, you should treat such plants with similar care, which is also recommended for other (almost everywhere existing poisonous plants such as yew, tree of life and ivy.

When in doubt, choose non-toxic alternatives

Often, even domestic cats do not even go near the presence of slightly toxic houseplants when offered a suitable alternative with a pot of cat grass. Out of concern for the safety of pets or young children should be dispensed with the wax flower in the house, if their toxicological classification can not be clarified beyond doubt. Non-toxic alternatives for interiors are:


The normal handling of the wax flower by adults or appropriately informed about poison plants and their effects enlightened teenager is usually unproblematic and leads by mere contact to any symptoms of intoxication.