Purslane Roses: Winter hardy or frost sensitive?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
⭐️ Claytonia: Our Favorite Cold-Hardy Salad Green ⭐️
Video: ⭐️ Claytonia: Our Favorite Cold-Hardy Salad Green ⭐️


Purslane Roses are not hardy

Purslane Roses: Winter hardy or frost sensitive?

Porcupine - this ornamental plant looks good, but is not common. You can cultivate it both outdoors and as a houseplant.But what about their frost tolerance? Will she be back next year when she spends the winter outside?

Not hardy - one year old

The porcupine, which originally comes from mild climates, is not hardy in this country and is therefore cultivated mostly one-year old. The plant does not tolerate frost. When the first frost comes over her in October, she enters. Furthermore, it is also endangered for late frost in the spring. Therefore: Only plant out from mid-May!

In frost-free regions there is a chance of survival

Only in mild regions can the plant survive the winter. But you hardly find such regions in Germany. There must be no frost at all. If it does, the plant in the root area must be immediately covered with brushwood. The probability of survival: low.

The seeds can survive the winter

While the roots can lose even the slightest frost, the seeds of the purslane can survive. The prerequisite is that you do not cut off the flowers in summer, so that the fruit stalks can develop with the seeds. Often, the plant then sows itself in the spring. Alternatively, it can simply be sown directly.

Put in container culture

It is not uncommon to see purslane pans not planted outdoors, but rather kept in pails, for example, on the balcony or terrace. Then you have better chances to bring the plant over the winter.

This is how the hibernation of the edible but not very tasty container plant works:


Since the pink periwinkle is sensitive to moisture, it should be particularly protected in winter. Keep the substrate drier than too moist!