Maintaining summer and winter purslane properly

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Save Portulaca & Purslane In Winter Season For Next Summer
Video: How To Save Portulaca & Purslane In Winter Season For Next Summer


Maintaining summer and winter purslane properly

If you want to enjoy fresh vitamins and minerals in fresh salad throughout the year, you should grow both summer and winter sports. Both leafy vegetables are annual, herbaceous plants that can be planted and cared for very easily and without much effort. However, both species tend to spread rapidly uncontrolled.

Do I have to pour purslane?

The sun and heat-loving summer athlete, if it has been planted out, only needs to be watered during periods of drought. Winter athlete usually requires no additional watering.

When and how much do I have to fertilize my porcupine plants?

Portulac does not need to be fertilized, but can be provided with some additional garden compost at the beginning of the planting season.

Can you cultivate purslane in the pot?

In particular, the winter athlete grows soil covering, while the summer athlete can be about 40 inches high. Despite their rather broad growth, both species can be grown in the pot, with a bushier growth can be achieved by the regular caps of shoot tips. Excellent for cultivating in the pot is the equally edible Peruvian perch (Anredera species), a sun-hungry and not hardy creeper.

When and how should purslane be cut?

You can harvest both types of porcupine several times a year, with the meaty leaves being used either as a salad or as a soup dish. When harvesting, always cut off the leaves along with the stems, leaving the bottom two leaves to stand. The young ones taste best, while older ones tend to get bitter. Therefore, the plants should not be too big. The still closed flower buds can be inserted like capers, the very protein-containing seeds are also edible. Winter athlete should then be cut when he is about ten inches long - but not later, otherwise he becomes inedible because of the high nitrate content.

Is purslane susceptible to infestation by certain pests or diseases?

If purslane is kept too moist, it is prone to infestation with mold fungi. Even waterlogging tolerates especially the summer athlete. Otherwise, especially nudibranchs like the juicy and thick-fleshed leaves.

Which purslane species are hardy?

Summer portulac is an annual plant that, if allowed to, will self-sow at the end of the growing season and thus come back reliably. However, unlike the winter sports, she is not hardy.

Tips & Tricks

Especially in Russia, portulac used to be pickled in vinegar or salt to preserve it as a vitamin-rich winter vegetable.