Is the Phoenix Palm hardy?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Feather Palms for UK Gardens - Phoenix, Butia, Jubaea and my Jubutia Hybrid Palmtree!
Video: Feather Palms for UK Gardens - Phoenix, Butia, Jubaea and my Jubutia Hybrid Palmtree!


The Phoenix Palm is as hardy as many palm species

Is the Phoenix Palm hardy?

In their homeland, the Canary date palm hardly has to fear frost, because as their name suggests, it comes from southern regions. In our latitudes it is a popular and much-bought ornamental and indoor plant as a phoenix palm.

Previous article Do I have to cut my phoenix palm regularly?

Frost tolerates the Phoenix palm to about - 5 ° C, so it is only partially winter hardy. It can be kept all year round as a houseplant or in the summer outside in the garden or on the balcony. It survives the winter outside only in a very mild area with temperatures around freezing.

Where should my Phoenix Palm hibernate?

The Phoenix Palm should overwinter in a bright room. This can be a bright staircase or a conservatory. Draft should be avoided as much as possible. The ideal temperature in this winter quarter is about 6 ° C to 12 ° C.

How do I care for my Phoenix Palm in winter?

Winter peace also does your phoenix palm out of the living room quite well. So the palm can recover and draw strength for the next season. This extends the life of your Phoenix Palm and strengthens its vitality and resistance to disease and / or pests.

Fertilizer phoenix palm can do without in winter, over-fertilization can even lead to brown leaves. Water needs the palm in the cold season, but slightly less than in summer. From time to time check the moisture of the soil before you water your palm.

Since spider mites occasionally occur in the Phoenix palm in winter, you should regularly inspect plant for pest infestation. Otherwise, the Phoenix Palm needs no special care.

The essentials in brief:


Even your Phoenix Palm in the living room is looking forward to a hibernation in a bright, cool room. She thanks you for this break with vitality and long life.