How to care for your Phoenix Palm - tips and tricks

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips & Tricks For Phoenix Palm For its Perfect Growth. How To Grow phoenix Palm
Video: Tips & Tricks For Phoenix Palm For its Perfect Growth. How To Grow phoenix Palm


The care of the Phoenix Palm is not very expensive

How to care for your Phoenix Palm - tips and tricks

The Phoenix Palm, also known as the Canary Island Date Palm, is not for nothing one of the most popular palm species in the Central European climate. Because this palm is very easy to care and decorative. It is suitable as a houseplant or for the summery planting of the balcony.

Next article Repot the phoenix palm - interesting tips and tricks

The right floor and the best location

The phoenix palm is best tolerated by a slightly acidic and well-drained soil. In addition, the soil should be fresh and slightly moist. But you do not necessarily have to buy expensive special soil for palm trees. Mix your substrate yourself. To do this, you will need earthy loam of garden soil, some sand and compost. To acidify the soil add a little bit of foliage compost or rhododendron earth.

Although the non-toxic Phoenix Palm likes a sunny location in principle, but as a young plant she does not tolerate so much sun and should rather be in partial shade. Even fast changes between extreme temperatures or light conditions do not get the phoenix palm well. Therefore, it should be slowly acclimated from a moderately bright room, for example, to a sunny balcony.

Plant the phoenix palm

Plant the Phoenix Palm in a large flower pot or a bucket, because the Phoenix Palm is not very hardy.So she can stand in the apartment all year round or spend the summer on the terrace or the balcony.

Choose a tall pot or bucket because the Phoenix Palm forms long taproots. These grow straight down and need a lot of space. Drainage at the bottom of the planter ensures that excess irrigation water can drain off easily. How to prevent waterlogging. Water the freshly planted palm well.

Water the phoenix palm properly and fertilize

Ideally, you water your Phoenix Palm abundantly, but not too often. Only when the uppermost layer of soil has dried slightly does the Phoenix palm need water again. A few days dryness get her better than waterlogging. That's why the drainage layer in the planter is so important. Fertilize your phoenix palm from April until about October every two weeks.

The Phoenix Palm in winter

Frost tolerates the Phoenix Palm only to about - 5 ° C, so it should not spend the winter in the garden, at least not in our latitudes. Before the temperatures drop permanently below freezing point, bring your Phoenix Palm back to the apartment or a winter garden better.

Even as a houseplant, the Phoenix Palm benefits from a hibernation, put your palm in a cooler but still bright room for several weeks, it will thank you with more vitality and resilience.

The care of the Phoenix Palm in a nutshell:


In summer, you can place your phoenix palm well on the balcony. Get used to it slowly to the sun.