When is the best planting time for Phlox?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
GROW Beautiful PHLOX from Seeds NOW [Start To Finish]
Video: GROW Beautiful PHLOX from Seeds NOW [Start To Finish]


One-year-old phlox should be planted after the icy saints

When is the best planting time for Phlox?

Planted at the right time, many plants thrive better and flower faster. But when do you ideally plant Phlox in your garden? Buying the phlox in a container you can hardly go wrong.

Container plants have a relatively large root ball and often bloom already. They are quite resistant and can be planted practically every season. There should only be no frost. However, before the next winter, the plant should get used to its new location and form stronger roots. Phlox flowers from small pots are best planted in spring.

One year old Phlox they plant only after the Eisheiligen in May, because he is not hardy. You can prefer the young plants from February / March in the apartment or in the frost-free greenhouse. From April, sowing outdoors is also possible.

Planting root cuttings

If you want to multiply Phlox, then you can pull new plants out of the root. Dig out the flaming flower and cut off several root pieces. They should be nice fleshy, so not too thin, and about 5 cm long.

Plant the root pieces horizontally and not too deep in a pot with potting soil or a mixture of peat and sand. At about 12 ° C they will drive out quickly. In the warm season, you can put these cuts directly into the field. However, the plants are slower there.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

Container plants can be planted all year round when it is frost-free.