How to plant peyote (Lophophora williamsii)

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow the psychedelic cactus Peyote, Lophophora williamsii, at home on a windowsill in the UK
Video: How to grow the psychedelic cactus Peyote, Lophophora williamsii, at home on a windowsill in the UK


Peyote likes it bright and warm

How to plant peyote (Lophophora williamsii)

Peyote is a cactus that is not very tall and does not carry thorns. He is planted not only for his unusual appearance, but also often for his psychoactive substances. This is how you plant peyote.

Which location is optimal for Peyote?

The Peyote needs a very bright, sunny as possible year-round. In the room he can be pulled on a flower window.

In summer you are welcome to bring the peyote outside. Look for sheltered cookies where the cactus is not exposed to continuous rain.

How should the substrate be?

As a substrate is not suitable for nutritious cactus. Experienced breeders recommend a pimples-based mineral blend.

How do you plant peyote?

Peyote develops a long tap root. The pot should be correspondingly deep. He must also have a sufficiently large vent hole, since waterlogging is very harmful.

Place a drainage layer of gravel in the bottom of the pot. Fill the vessel with substrate and insert the peyote carefully. When planting, make sure that you do not damage the root.

How is Peyote multiplied?

Peyote is propagated either through cuttings or via seeds. To breed offshoots from cuttings, cut side shoots directly over the root and place on nutrient-poor growing substrate.

You gain seeds from ripe fruits or get it in the trade. He is seeded thin and not covered.

How do you make peyote bloom?

Peyote only develops a lot of flowers if you give it a longer rest period in winter. During this time it is kept at temperatures around ten degrees and poured only very sparingly.

However, many years pass before a peyote flowers for the first time.

The flowering time is in the summer. The flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon. The single flower blooms for up to three days.


The care of Peyote Kaktusses is not prohibited despite the ingredients. However, it is not allowed to consume the cactus. Some of the ingredients, such as peyocactin, are antibiotic and therefore used in medicine.