So you harvest parsley properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Harvest Parsley : Garden Space
Video: How to Harvest Parsley : Garden Space


So you harvest parsley properly

Parsley and parsley root are some of the best-known herbs that can be harvested almost all year round. What you have to consider if you want to harvest parsley properly in the garden or from the balcony.

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When will parsley be harvested?

You can harvest parsley all year round. In the garden awake parsley forms new leaves from the spring to the frost set, which you can cut off constantly.

In the second year, the perennial parsley begins to bloom. The flowering period is in the summer months of June and July.

Once the parsley flowers, you must not use them anymore. In the leaves and especially the seeds then forms the poisonous Apiol, which has a harmful effect on the digestive system. Especially the seeds are poisonous and must not be eaten.

Harvest parsley properly

The biggest mistake you can make is cutting the heart of parsley. The heart can be recognized by the thickened stem, on the side of which new shoots develop. Mostly it is in the middle of the plant.

When you cut the heart, the parsley no longer grows and comes in after a short time.

Always cut parsley down

To properly harvest parsley, do not just pluck the leaves. Cut the whole stalk as deep as possible over the ground. This stimulates the parsley to form more shoots with leaves.

The best time to harvest

Like all aromatic herbs with a high percentage of essential oils, pick parsley best on a dry morning. The leaves are then particularly aromatic.

Win parsley seeds

Once the flower has set in, the parsley plant is used up. You can either rip them out or leave them to dust the flowers with insects.

In the fall, the seeds are ripe, which you can use to grow parsley next year. Store in a cool, dry place until sowing.

Harvest parsley root

Parsley roots take a long time to harvest. Although they are sown in the spring, they reach their full flavor only in the fall.

Parsley root can also be left in the soil and harvested as needed. Only when the temperatures drop so high that the ground threatens to freeze, you have to get all the roots from the ground.

Tips & Tricks

Parsley must be consumed as soon as possible after harvesting. Even if you put them in the water glass, it does not last long and also loses its aroma. If you've harvested too much, it's best to freeze the herbs.Dry it only in exceptional cases, as dried parsley hardly has any flavor.