Small hot peppers are also enticing with their sharpness

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peppers: A Collaborative Approach to Breeding for Growers and Consumers
Video: Peppers: A Collaborative Approach to Breeding for Growers and Consumers


Stuffed pickled peppers are especially tasty

Small hot peppers are also enticing with their sharpness

In a good summer, even a single shrub can carry countless hot peppers. These are all nice to us, but they also all fresh consume? That really does not work. But inserting them for later is wonderful!

The season extension with Essigsud

Summer and autumn are pepperoni and the pods are fresh everywhere. Anyone who has planted them in their own garden or in a large tub is certainly a big fan of the small and mostly fiery-hot fruits. But then they are welcome the whole year, in winter and spring just out of the glass. Vinegar keeps the pods and gives them a different flavor, but they stay hot!


Do not use fruit vinegar for the hot peppers, as this discolors the fruit unattractive.

Which variety?

There are countless hot pepper varieties, which flourish well in this country. All are in principle suitable for insertion. The thick-bodied varieties such as Jalapenos or Cayenne, however, can absorb the brew better.

Of course, the decision as to which peppers are taken is also closely linked to personal preferences. The sharpness plays a decisive role, which remains largely intact even after insertion.

Make sure you are sharp enough before loading. It is also possible to mix hot peppers with different degrees of severity. Through the Essigsud the total sharpness is distributed evenly.

Organic quality organic peppers are fresher than long-lived specimens and are not polluted by pesticides. They are the best alternative for those who do not have their own chili breed.

Green, yellow or red?

Only red peppers are called ripe, edible but are all "colors". Who picks them in their own garden, should only make sure that the pods have reached a certain size. Then they have a good taste and are typically spicy.

For the insertion itself, the color does not play a significant role. Visually, a colorful mix of course makes something. So, if you like, you can not only combine varieties, but also different colors to your heart's content.


A colorful peperonimischung in the glass is also a great gift for anyone who welcomes sharp Akzentgeber in the food.

Simple recipe with vinegar

This basic recipe with vinegar is low in calories, because it does without any oil. For two medium glasses, it requires the following ingredients:


    Wash the fresh hot peppers thoroughly under running water. Shorten the long stems. Heat water and vinegar with salt and sugar in a saucepan. You can taste the broth and, if necessary, change the amount of salt to your liking. Also some pepper fits in well. Add the hot peppers and let everything boil briefly. Remove the hot peppers with a slotted spoon and spread them on the glasses. Let the broth boil again and pour it over the hot peppers so that they are completely covered. Close the jars and turn them over to cool on top of the lid. Then store the sealed glasses for four weeks in a cool and dark place. Only then did they fully develop their new taste.

Hot peppers with cream cheese in oil

Stuffed peppers in oil are a classic. Some larger pepper varieties can also be filled well. Here's a recipe for stuffed peppers that are wrapped in oil and stored refrigerated in the fridge for about 14 days.

Ingredients for two medium glasses: