The difference between passion fruit and passion fruit

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do you know Passion Fruits? I Compare 5 Here!
Video: Do you know Passion Fruits? I Compare 5 Here!


The difference between passion fruit and passion fruit

The name passion fruit is often used in this country as a synonym for the passion fruit. The name is actually not quite correct, since it is actually two crops.

Next article Plant passion fruit yourself and harvest

The passion flowers and their fruits

Most of the more than 530 subspecies of the genus Passiflora (Passiflora) grow with climbing tendrils, which grow differently to shrubs and trees. Most varieties of passion fruit are native to South and North America, but there are also some species of Australian descent and remote locations such as Madagascar. Their names, which are reminiscent of the Passions of Christ, were given to the plants with their characteristic flowers at the time of the proselytizing of South America, when missionaries believed they recognized symbols of the Passion of Christ in the various parts of the flowers. While the fruits of popular varieties such as those of the subgenus Decaloba may be inedible or even poisonous, most passion fruit varieties enjoy great popularity as fresh fruit and fruit juice.

The passion fruit with purple colored peel

The fruit sold in this country mostly under the name Passion Fruit is usually the fruit of the genus of the so-called Purple Granadilla. This is similar in shape and size to an egg, but has a smooth and purple glossy shell. From a botanical point of view, these are berries, but what is actually eaten is only the content of the cut fruits, which consists of seeds and adhering pulp. Often it is said that a strongly shriveled shell would indicate the optimal degree of ripeness in the purple-colored passion fruit. But you can also easily consume a passion fruit with smooth skin, this will only have a slightly more acidic taste than very shriveled and thus in the maturation more advanced fruits.

The passion fruit or granadilla

On many bottles of juice is on the label next to the name passion fruit for decades, a cut passion fruit with purple-colored bowl shown. Actually, this is not quite correct, but are usually referred to as passion fruit, the yellow to orange passion fruit. These have even in the advanced state of maturation on a relatively pressure-resistant shell, but they are otherwise in shape and size of the purple-colored representatives of the species not unlike. The yellow Granadilla is sometimes slightly larger and is often not quite comparable in taste with the purple-colored fruits of Passiflora edulis. Therefore, these are rarely offered in the trade as fresh fruit and land much more often in the juicer.

The difference in taste between passion fruit and passion fruit

Basically, the difference in taste between the fruits of both subspecies of passion flowers is not very large, even if they are not quite the same. The same is true in both species, the principle that kernels and pulp are eaten together and usually with a spoon. Further uses are:

Tips & Tricks

In trade, passion fruit and passion fruit are often offered alternately under both names. Both varieties are generally about equally good for direct consumption and processing in the kitchen.