Plant pampas grass in the garden - tips and tricks

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pampas grass - growing information (All need to know)
Video: Pampas grass - growing information (All need to know)


Pampas grass should be planted on a sunny spot

Plant pampas grass in the garden - tips and tricks

Pampas grass with its fronds is undoubtedly a real eye-catcher in the garden or on the terrace. The easy-care ornamental grass is suitable for individual position as well as for planting as a screen. What should be considered when planting pampas grass.

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Which location is ideal for Pampas grass?

For pampas grass to develop its decorative fronds, it needs a lot of sun. Choose a location where you can expect at least four hours of sunshine every day.

Slopes are ideal, because here no waterlogging can arise.

How should the earth be in the field?

Since Pampas grass copes well with dryness, the soil may be calm and sandy.

Compacted floors should be loosened with sand and small stones or drainage.

When is the best planting time?

It is planted in spring, preferably from May, when no more severe ground frosts are to be expected.

Which planting distance must be observed?

Pampas grass forms a nest that spreads over the years. Keep a distance of one meter to other plants so that the ornamental grass does not overgrow them.

Since pampas grass does not form rhizomes, it is not necessary to apply a root barrier.

How is Pampas Grass planted?

Lift a planting hole twice the size of the root ball. Improve the soil with compost.

Slightly scratch the roots down with a sharp knife. This will promote further rooting.

Insert the pampas grass and gently cradle the earth. After planting, the plant is slurried. A pouring rim facilitates care.

When does Pampas grass bloom?

The flowering season of pampas grass begins in July depending on the variety and can last until November.

How is Pampas Grass multiplied?

Pampas grass you can sow. This is very expensive.

Easier is the multiplication by dividing the rootstock. This is dug up and divided with a spade into two or more parts. At least two eyes must remain on each section.

Can pampas grass be transplanted?

Basically, pampas grass can be transplanted. Older plants, however, have a very pronounced, deep root system that is difficult to dig up.

How fast does pampas grass grow?

Pampas grass begins to grow in the spring. Within a few weeks it reaches its final height of two to three meters - depending on the variety.

Is pampas grass hardy?

Although Pampasgras is hardy, but the Horst must be protected from too much moisture in winter. For this, the fronds are tied up in the autumn and cut only in spring.

Pampas grass in the tub needs a winter shelter or is wintered in the house.


For pampas grass, be sure to pull female plants. Only these produce many of the pretty flowers. Male plants form very few fronds.