Worth knowing about the flowering of pampas grass

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pampas Grass Malfunction!
Video: Pampas Grass Malfunction!


The fronds of the pampas grass are the flower

Worth knowing about the flowering of pampas grass

The bloom of the Pampasgrases fascinates by its colors and the filigrane fronds, which form above all the female plants. The size of the flowers and the flowering time depend on the planted variety.

The blossom of the pampas grass

Pampas grass forms shorter, narrow leaves, which are very sharp-edged. With proper care, after a few years, the characteristic flowers that bloom in different colors and are much longer than the leaves develop.

Inflorescences form on the long stems, looking like a frond. Color and length of the fronds depend on the respective varieties.

The flowering time also depends on the planted variety. Some pampas already bloom from July, others only start to bloom in September. But the bloom extends into November.


If the pampas grass does not want to bloom, there are usually care mistakes. Sometimes a too shady location is to blame for the lack of flowering. In general, the ornamental grass blooms only after a few years.