Sharing orchids properly for propagation - That's how it works

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sharing orchids properly for propagation - That's how it works - Garden
Sharing orchids properly for propagation - That's how it works - Garden


If the orchid is big enough, it can be best multiplied by division

Sharing orchids properly for propagation - That's how it works

In contrast to the tricky sowing of seeds, the vegetative propagation of orchids proves to be uncomplicated and promising. Read here which orchids are suitable for this form of offspring. To divide the exotic plants professionally.

Which orchids are eligible for the division?

Within the large orchid family is roughly distinguished according to monopodialen and sympodialen kinds. Monopodial describes growth with an axis whose growth takes place exclusively at the top. These include Phalaenopsis or Vanda orchids. It is obvious that a single stem axis can not be divided without destroying the plant.

Sympodial orchids, on the other hand, thrive on several bulbs or shoots, which are connected by a rhizome. Classic representatives of this growth form are the genera Cymbidium, Oncidium or Brassia. Almost all species and varieties of sympodial orchids are eligible for propagation by division.

To divide an orchid properly

If repotting an orchid in spring is on the care plan, this is also the best time for the division. One to two days before the appointment pour, dip and fertilize the plant so that the aerial roots are supple. In these steps you divide the root ball:

Each segment with at least 2 or 3 bulbs will then be potted into its own culture pot. Fill fresh orchid so that all roots are covered. It is helpful to push the pot on the table top several times.


Freshly divided and potted orchids should be able to regenerate in peace and quiet. For this purpose you refrain from watering or diving the plants during the first 5 days. It is better to spray the leaves and aerial roots daily with filtered rainwater.