Focus on orchid fertilizer - tips on dosage and application

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stop Fertilizing Orchids Like This! Use These Other 4 Methods Instead
Video: Stop Fertilizing Orchids Like This! Use These Other 4 Methods Instead


The right amount of fertilizer rewards the orchid with abundance of flowers

Focus on orchid fertilizer - tips on dosage and application

The successful care of orchids requires a high degree of gardening empathy. Only when all conditions harmoniously intermesh, the epiphytic and terrestrial flowers bloom from the rainforests of the tropics. The adequate fertilizer contributes significantly to the hoped-for flower spectacle. Explore here the broad spectrum of suitable fertilizers for your orchids with practical tips around the use.

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Which nutrients should be contained a priori in orchid fertilizer?

Most orchids thrive epiphytically.They cling to the branches of mighty rainforest trees, while their aerial roots extract the vital nutrients from the rain or whirled up leaves. These main components should bring a good orchid fertilizer:

The glorious flowers are naturally more predisposed to a nutrient diaspora. The concentrated charge of conventional flower fertilizer does not tolerate the sensitive roots, whereby they are particularly troubled by the high salt concentration. Therefore, explore the following suitable fertilizers, which take into account the unorthodox habitus.

Liquid fertilizers for orchids score with numerous advantages

In liquid form, orchid fertilizers have a special composition that is precisely tailored to the needs of sophisticated plants from tropical and subtropical regions. Furthermore, a precise dosage is possible, taking into account factors such as orchid type, age of the plant or the season. How to use the fertilizer correctly:

If the orchid soil has dried, first pour in with clear water and then add the liquid fertilizer. On seedlings or newly purchased orchids, we recommend halving the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

Sticks as orchid fertilizer are not always the ultimate

Stick-shaped fertilizers enjoy great popularity in the care of indoor plants. Pressed into the substrate in an adequate amount, the plant is well supplied with all nutrients for the next 3 months. That saves time and money. Among experts, the effectiveness of this method on orchids is still viewed critically. Since the substrate must be moist to distribute the active ingredients, this requirement is not always met in coarse, porous orchid soil. Furthermore, it can come selectively to a concentrated delivery of nutrients, while more remote root strands go out empty.

Foliar fertilization - care and fertilization in one go

Hosted in the humid and warm climate of tropical rainforests, orchids thrive solely under the influence of high humidity of 50 to 80 percent. At the same time the noble flowers react to waterlogging extremely indignant and die in the worst case due to Wurzelelfäulnis from. In view of these premises, resourceful experts have developed a vital spray for foliar application especially for orchids.

Thanks to a low-salt formula and all the essential nutrients in an NPK formulation of 0.1-0.25-0.25, the orchid absorbs moisture and fertilizer through its leaves and aerial roots. In particular, for substrate-free cultivated orchids, such as Vanda, foliar application is an excellent alternative. How to apply the remedy correctly:

Homeopathic fertilizer - Ideal for ecologically oriented orchid gardeners

Organic fertilizers, such as horn shavings, compost or guanogranulate, are unsuitable for nutrient supply to orchids. The materials must first be processed by soil organisms so that they are available for the roots. As an environmentally conscious hobby gardener you can still remain true to your line in the orchid care.

Various manufacturers offer homeopathic fertilizer sprays as ready-to-use tonics for your orchids. It contains only natural components such as worm humus, horsetail extract, guano or copper sulphate. Regularly applied during flowering and flowering, flowering is activated, leaf growth promoted and resistance strengthened.

Erdorchideen gladly accept compost and horn chips

For your hardy Erdorchideen in the garden nutrient supply no elaborate pull-ups are required. These sturdy orchid species, such as shrubs or lady's slipper, gratefully accept mature foliage compost and horn shavings as fertilizer in spring. In late summer, potassium-rich comfrey helps strengthen winter hardiness.


Regardless of which fertilizer you favor for your orchids, you can still optimize their effectiveness. The Hesi root complex plant additive improves absorption of the active ingredients without even containing fertilizers or increasing the salt content. Before and after repotting, the preparation also reduces the stress on your sensitive orchids.