To free your orchid of white plaque

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
You’ll Never Throw Away Dead Orchids After Watching This!
Video: You’ll Never Throw Away Dead Orchids After Watching This!


White plaque on orchids is usually a sign of lice infestation

To free your orchid of white plaque

If a white surface spreads on your orchid, the horticultural alarm bells should ring. With almost certain probability, your flower beauty is infected with lice. How to act right now and fight the pests with ecological means, you can find out here.

All symptoms at a glance

Before tackling any countermeasures, check that the white plaque is actually lice using the following symptoms:

In the end, the orchid is completely enveloped in the white webs that serve as a waxy protective armor to the pests.

Effectively combating lice - this is how it works in harmony with nature

As a rule, orchids are sensitive to the concentrated charge of chemical insecticides. This is especially true for thin-leaved species and varieties. In practice, on the other hand, the following ecological means have proved useful for gently liberating the plants from the white coating:

For the sake of caution, please do not spray the solution on the orchid. Rather, apply the product to all infected parts of the plant with a fine brush. The spirit dissolves the waxy protective armor and looks quite aggressive. For orchids with very thin leaves, olive oil-based pesticides should be used.


In most cases, lice with a newly acquired orchid are introduced into the collection. Even experienced and highly competent retailers are immune from the pests. Take a close look at the plant when buying an orchid. Do not be afraid to examine the plant with a magnifying glass. Once the scale insects are in the house, they often do not get rid of the plague for years.