10 valuable tips for the proper care of the olive tree

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Olive Tree Care. 10 VERY HELPFUL TIPS.
Video: Olive Tree Care. 10 VERY HELPFUL TIPS.


10 valuable tips for the proper care of the olive tree

The very slowly awake olive tree - assuming a good care - can become many centuries old. In the Mediterranean countries even gnarled trees are to be found, which are said to be 1000 years and older. Basically, the care of this tree is very easy, you should just avoid too much water and protect the tree from too cool temperatures. In our care instructions you will find valuable tips first-hand.

Early article From the Mediterranean to Germany - How to successfully plant an olive tree Next article

How often do I have to repot my olive tree?

Olive trees grow very slowly, in particular, the roots tend to strong growth. Therefore, pots or tubs should not be too big, especially in young trees, to achieve greater tree growth. It becomes time for repotting as soon as the roots threaten to grow out of the pot. It is best to pour a thick layer of pebbles on the bottom of the pots for better drainage, and then plant the substratum. The planting hole should be about one third deeper than the root ball.

How much water does the olive tree need?

In the home of the olive trees there is a rather dry climate, which is why this plant needs less water even in our latitudes. However, you should not let just houseplants or potted plants dry out, but damp - not wet! - hold. It is best not to pour with fresh water, but with stale water. In older trees, no water should remain in hollows or holes, otherwise the plant may rot at this point. Especially young trees should be kept moist to avoid drying out. Older trees can also be dry once, as their roots are already wide enough to absorb enough water.

When and what should be fertilized?

Fertilize your olive tree towards mid to late September with several small doses of Kalimagnesia, a magnesium-enriched potash specialty fertilizer. This strengthens the resistance and increases the stability, as the fresh shoots lignify more easily. It is a granulate that can easily be dissolved in water.

When and how should I cut my olive tree?

Olive trees tend to ramify with age, and the branches can become very long. Both of these complicate the healthy water balance of the olive tree because it has to transport both water and nutrients to the most remote corners. For this reason you should cut wild growth as well as long, vertically growing branches. When cutting, make sure that the crown is as dense as possible. The best time for a cut is spring.

What do I do if my olive tree loses its leaves or discolors?

The olive tree is an evergreen tree that does not shed its leaves - so there's something wrong with your tree's discolouring and / or discarding its leaves. Mostly too high a humidity is the reason, but also dryness or lack of nutrients can be the cause.

Leaves turn brown

Brown leaves are usually caused by overhydration and / or dead tree roots in winter. Remove the discolored leaves and continue to maintain the tree as before, keeping an eye on the roots.

Leaves dry out from the edge

Once leaves dry out from the edge, this is usually an unerring sign of a nutrient deficiency. Fertilize your olive tree with Kalimagnesia.

Tree leaves leaves hanging

In most plants, hanging leaves are an indication of lack of water. But not in the olive tree, because here hanging leaves usually indicate a lack of nutrients or too narrow a pot. It is best to transplant the plant with fresh substrate into a larger pot.

Leaves fall off

Falling leaves indicate a lack of light. Place your olive tree in a sunnier place or set up a plant lamp.

What diseases can affect my olive tree and what can I do about it?

Olive trees are quite often attacked by spider mites. These unpleasant fellows can effectively deal with a homemade nettle slug. Also scale insects are quite common.

Does an olive tree tolerate cold and freezing temperatures?

In their home countries, there is almost never frost, which is why olive trees are quite sensitive to frost - at least when they are very young. However, over the years you can slowly get used to the cooler temperatures in Germany, so that they can stay out even when temperatures are around freezing. If you want to grow olives, do not import trees from the Mediterranean countries at best - they are used to quite different temperatures than we are used to and will hardly grow here.

How do I overwinter an olive tree in the tub?

An olive tree in the tub can hibernate well at about 8 to 10 ° C, for example in a greenhouse or in a conservatory. You should, however, make sure that he gets enough light and occasionally a little water. The roots can be covered with a layer of bark mulch.

How do I overwinter a field olive tree?

Outdoor olive trees need extra protection from the clashing temperatures. Cover the roots with a thick layer of mulch and / or brushwood and wrap the trunk loosely in light and air permeable straw mats. The crown is covered with cold protection mats. Since the tree needs a lot of light, it should really be packed only at the lowest temperatures - from about six to ten degrees in the plus range, he can stand free again.

Tips & Tricks

Especially in snowy winters, make sure that the roots of your olive tree remain snow-free. The roots need continuous sun, which can not show through a thick layer of snow. In addition, they run the risk of freezing due to the cold. It is best to cover the roots already in autumn with a thick layer of bark mulch or brushwood.