Pull oleander yourself - How to succeed

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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When growing from seeds, it can come to surprises

Pull oleander yourself - How to succeed

Everyone can buy plants. However, hauling beautiful plants yourself from seeds or cuttings is an interesting hobby that simply gives you a lot of fun and a lot of surprises - especially when you're just planting seeds and watching what happens.

Pull your own oleander plantlets

Especially with the seed multiplication you do not know what you will get in the end. In contrast to cuttings, which are cut off from the mother plant and are therefore only clones of the same, you do not know with seed, which genetic material of the ancestors will prevail. Basically, it's like children: Again, during pregnancy, you do not know what the child will look like and what character it will have.

Pull oleander from seeds

Oleander seeds can be purchased or collected from the ripe pods of an existing plant. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water for about 24 hours and then sow them in a bowl filled with nutrient-poor soil. Oleander is one of the light germs, which is why you should not or only very thinly cover the seeds with sieved soil. Cover the dish with a translucent hood (such as a perforated plastic wrap) and keep the substrate slightly damp. The culture container should be in a warm and bright place.

Root oleander cuttings

Easier than seed growing is the rooting of oleander cuttings. Cut out non-flowering, about 20 to 30 centimeters long shoots during the summer months and remove all leaves except for the top two. The cut surface to be rooted is to be kept as inclined as possible in order to facilitate the water intake of the cutting. Now place the cuttings in an opaque (Important! Roots will eventually develop in the dark!) Pot with lukewarm water and place them in a light and warm place. If you put a cut-off plastic bottle or a plastic bag (such as a freezer bag) over it, you have a miniature greenhouse.

The right care for young oleander plants

Whether pulled from seed or cuttings, the young oleander should soon be planted in a pot with humus-poor oleander soil and placed in a warm and bright location. In the hot summer months, the plants can already go outdoors, but you should give them as early as possible - even before the first frosts - to winter quarters. Older oleanders easily tolerate up to minus five degrees Celsius in the short term, while young plants are much more sensitive.


You can also split older oleander bushes into several sub-plants and in this way grow new shrubs.