Repot oleander annually

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Oleander care and myth busting || Repotting and soil mix for a good bloom | Raktakarabi in Bengali
Video: Oleander care and myth busting || Repotting and soil mix for a good bloom | Raktakarabi in Bengali


Oleander should be repotted once a year

Repot oleander annually

In summer, the magnificent flowering shrubs with their long, narrow and glossy leaves can be admired in many gardens, but also on balconies and terraces: oleander. Since the native of the Mediterranean shrub is not reliably hardy for us, it should be cultivated in large containers. In order for the plant to feel comfortable in it, it is important to repot regularly.

How often do you have to repot Oleander?

The oleander is a strong-tykeeper, d. H. It requires a lot of nutrients and therefore not only has to be fertilized regularly, but also supplied with fresh soil. In addition, as the shrub grows very fast and - depending on the variety - can become very tall and wide, it also needs a new, larger planter each year - at least if it is a younger plant. On the other hand, older specimens only need to be repotted every five to ten years. All you need to do is fill new soil into the existing jar every spring. Ergo, you should

into a new planter. Fresh earth, on the other hand, is consumed during the growing season and therefore has to be topped up again and again in the spring.

When is the best season for repotting the oleander?

The best season for repotting the oleander is spring, as soon as possible after clearing out the winter quarters. You can also combine this measure with a care cut of both the upper plant parts and the roots. Make sure to protect the freshly cut and transplanted plant from any late frosts - even an oleander just picked from the cellar does not immediately belong in the blazing sun. In principle, however, the oleander can be repotted the whole season until it is admitted to the winter quarters, if necessary.

Which soil should be used to repot Oleander?

Although the oleander needs a lot of nutrients, but tolerates - typical of many Mediterranean plants - no humus rich soil. Therefore, do not use commercially available potting soil, but mix the substrate yourself if possible. For that you mix

and, if you repot the plant in the spring, a good long-term fertilizer for flowering plants. Alternatively, you can mix potting soil and conventional, clay-containing garden soil in a ratio of 1: 1 or you can purchase a substrate that is specialized for Mediterranean potted plants.

Which pot to use for oleander?

Oleander need a rather broad than deep planter, which is twice as large as the root ball precipitates. After all, there should be plenty of water to be stored during the hot summer months, also the roots need space for their growth - the more beautiful the plant grows and flowers above. Which material you use is entirely up to you; The important thing is that the pot has drainage holes on the bottom and also stands in a deep coaster.

Repackaging Oleander - That's how it's done

Repaint the oleander as follows:

By the way, with Oleander you can do without the drainage layer, which is otherwise necessary with potted plants, because these plants do not harm "wet feet" at all - quite the contrary. However, you should cover the drain holes in the bottom of the pot with pottery shards so that the freshly filled soil is not washed out.

Tips and tricks for repotting very large oleanders

The repotting of older and therefore very large Oleander can make difficult. For example, you can do without repotting and instead simply refill fresh substrate from above each spring - if necessary, you can carefully remove the used material before. These tricks can also help you if the oversized shrub needs a new bucket:


Ideally, the new plant pot is about 20 percent larger than the previous one.