Which pests often occur on oleander and what you can do about it

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Yellow bugs on Oleander | how to deal with Oleander Aphids, Scale, or Mealybugs
Video: Yellow bugs on Oleander | how to deal with Oleander Aphids, Scale, or Mealybugs


Aphids are among the most common pests of oleander

Which pests often occur on oleander and what you can do about it

The oleander, which grows imposing over the years, is one of the most popular ornamental and container plants - despite the fact that the plant, which is native to the Mediterranean climatic zone, is classified as rather sensitive. In fact, the flowering shrub requires not only quite intensive care, but is also particularly at risk for a number of diseases and infestation by various vermin. In the following article you will find out which pests are often found in Oleander and what you can do about it.


Aphids are found on almost every plant. There are only a few plants that avoid these plant sap sucking insects. The green, black or yellow animals sit exclusively on the soft parts of the oleander, d. H. especially on the inflorescences and on the young shoots. They damage the plant not only by sucking off the juice of the plant, but also by its strongly sugary excretory secretion, the so-called honeydew. These sweet excretions in turn attract ants, but also serve mainly as a source of sooty mildew.

What helps against aphids

Especially the showering of the oleander with a sharp jet of water helps against aphids. Even with a few splashes of detergent added water helps very well. In case of heavy infestation, the use of a suitable insecticide is recommended.

spider mites

Like aphids, spider mites are not particularly picky in terms of food crops. The tiny little animals, however, like oleanders very much, which is why a spider mite infestation on these shrubs is very common. In general, the infestation is already very strong, if the signs are already visible to the naked eye: Then you can see fine, spider webs on the plant, in addition, especially the leaves turn silvery. Spider mites only appear when the weather is warm and dry.

What helps against spider mites

High levels of air humidity help very well against spider mites, which is why the oleander should be wetted with water all around with the help of a spray bottle, not only for infestation but also for prevention. Also commercially available remedies based on rapeseed oil help very effectively, especially you should treat the undersides of leaves and the procedure should be repeated every few days every now and then.

Shield and mealybugs

The brown or black scale lice also occur quite often on oleander. Again, they are plant juice sucking insects that excrete a sticky-sweet secretion. These excretions in turn attract both ants and soot thickening. In contrast, an infestation with mealybugs is quite rare, but not unlikely. These plant lice are recognizable by the tufts of white shields.

What helps against shield and mealybugs

Plant lice are quite persistent, but leave well with soft soap. However, mechanical removal is very tedious, especially for larger oleanders. With a strong infestation helps in many cases, only a strong pruning.


Prevent a pest infestation by spraying the oleander regularly to provide increased air humidity.