Oleander - care, cutting, wintering and propagation

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to save Oleander plants post winter storm
Video: How to save Oleander plants post winter storm


The oleander is used to Mediterranean climate

Oleander - care, cutting, wintering and propagation

The oleander (Nerium oleander), also known as the Rose Laurel, originates from the Mediterranean, but is also widespread in the Near and Middle East, China and India. The evergreen, very lush flowering and woody shrub can grow up to three meters high. In Germany, the plant originating from the family Dogs family is not hardy and can therefore be cultivated only in large pots. In the following care instructions, we will show you how to bring your oleander to a long-lasting flowering.

Early article Oleander - the poisonous beauty Next article

Which location does Oleander prefer?

The plant, accustomed to a Mediterranean climate, prefers a full sun and warm location that is as free of drafts as possible. Above all, varieties with filled flowers should be protected from rain (eg by placing the plants under a roof ledge in the event of a fall), as otherwise fungal diseases can very easily develop.

Can I also plant oleander in the garden?

Oleander is hardy only to a maximum of minus five degrees Celsius and should therefore only be planted in mild areas and with sufficient protection in the garden if possible. However, the wood can be cultivated very well in large pots.

Which substrate does Oleander need?

The plant has a very high nutrient requirement and therefore requires a nutrient-rich, permeable substrate such as flower or garden soil, which you can also upgrade with humus soil. Young oleander should be repotted once a year, older specimens at least every five years, with a complete replacement of the substrate.

How often should I pour an oleander?

Especially during the main growing season in the hot summer months, you should pour oleander twice a day - morning and evening - vigorously. It also does not hurt if you leave excess water in the trivet, because the plant has an immense amount of water and will use up this water quickly. Of course, if it's not that hot, the plant does not need that much water. Oleander should not dry out, but should not be permanently wet. In winter, on the other hand, you rarely need to water a bit.

When and with what is an oleander to fertilize

Due to the high need for nutrients, Oleander should be supplied with a good flowering fertilizer once or twice a week during the growing season.

How much can you cut an oleander?

Essentially, oleander does not have to be cut back, because the shrub also branches off very well by itself. If the plant grows too big, you should wait until after the first flower to pruning - in the autumn or spring cut oleander will stop blooming this season or the following season. However, to stimulate the development of flowers, you can carefully pluck the blooms.

My oleander gets yellow leaves. What is the reason?

Lightened to yellow leaves in Oleander often indicate a lack of nutrients, for example due to a lack of fertilization. However, the substrate may also be unsuitable or have a wrong pH. Transfer the affected plant to fresh substrate, add some garden lime if necessary and / or pour preferably with lime water. However, if the yellow leaves do not appear in bulk, but only occasionally, an otherwise healthy oleander throws off only old leaves.

My oleander turns the leaves brown. Why?

Brown spots on the leaves or brown leaf margins are often the result of a sunburn, which arises for example after clearing out of the winter quarters due to insufficient habituation to the sun. Oleander should be slowly and gradually accustomed to a location in the full sun, but not immediately put in the blazing sun.

Which pests are the most common for the oleander?

Spider mites, thrips and scale insects, in particular, often haunt the shrub with the leathery leaves. However, you do not need to resort to lethal injection for these pests, because biological (and self-produced) antidotes often work very well.

Which diseases can still occur with oleander?

In particular, insufficiently fertilized and thus weakened oleander often suffers from oleander cancer, which is triggered by the bacterium Pseudomonas and shows itself primarily by brownish growths on the shoots. Only a strong pruning to healthy wood helps against this disease.

How can oleander be multiplied?

Oleander cuttings can be well rooted in a glass of water and, once the roots are strong enough, plant in a pot with soil. Cut appropriate shoots in spring or early summer if possible. Furthermore, an increase of self-collected or purchased seeds is possible.

How should you overwinter oleander?

Oleander should winter in a bright and frost-free winter quarters at about five degrees Celsius.


As beautiful as the flowering shrub looks, all parts of the oleander are highly poisonous! Keep children and pets away from the plant.