Brown leaves on the oleander can have many causes

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to save Oleander plants post winter storm
Video: How to save Oleander plants post winter storm


Brown leaves are not necessarily a sign of disease

Brown leaves on the oleander can have many causes

Healthy oleander leaves are dark green and shiny. However, a variety of causes can cause the leaves to turn brown or dry only partially or even partially. In most cases, nursing mistakes are behind this phenomenon.

Causes of brown leaves

If your oleander gets brown leaves, many reasons behind it are:

Brown leaves after the winter break

All these reasons are relatively harmless, because the shrub can regenerate quickly. But beware: especially brown leaves after the winter break can also be an indication of an infection with the fungus Ascochyta. This disease is colloquially referred to as dry rot, the affected plant despite sufficient watering but dried out.

Suitable countermeasures

Before you take any action, you should first find the right cause - only then you can take effective action. However, be aware that the brown leaves will not turn green again and you have to wait for a new release. Take a close look at the affected oleander: Can you possibly detect fresh shoots on the leaf axils? If so, just pluck the brown leaves and cut over long shoots. The oleander is already on its own. In other cases, however, only a radical pruning helps.


Incidentally, brown leaf spots can also be an indication of an inappropriate location.