Tree creeper occurs especially in apple trees

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blood On The Leaves
Video: Blood On The Leaves


The faster the tree crab is treated, the better

Tree creeper occurs especially in apple trees

You have probably seen this damage many times before: Mainly on apple trees, but also on other fruit and deciduous trees, there are thick growths. Over time, they increase in size and cause overlying branches and twigs to die as a result of the lack of supply. However, there are preventive measures that can prevent infestation.

Cause and damage

The cause of the occurrence of fruit tree cancer are not uncontrolled waking cells as in humans, but a fungus. Consequently, the fruit tree disease has nothing to do with the human disease despite the same name. When this disease occurs, growths develop on the trunk or on the branches, which continue to expand. The branch or branch dies over the cancer sites themselves, because the supply of water and nutrients is interrupted. In winter there are spherical red mushroom fruits, in which are the spores of the fungal pathogen. They invade the tree through wounds; These can be cuts, but also wounds, such as those caused by hail, frost or deer.


Larger cuts, such as those that occur in fruit tree trimming, should therefore be spread with a wound closure agent such as Malusan or similar. As a precautionary measure, fruit trees should only be planted in suitable locations, with cold layers and a damp, heavy soil favoring the appearance. A one-sided or very nitrogenous fertilization also has a carcinogenic effect, which is why fruit tree crabs are often found in cottage-fertilized cottage gardens. Certain apple varieties are considered very susceptible, this is especially true for Berlepsch, Cox Orange, Gloster, James Grieve, Klarapfel and Oldenburg.


Branches and twigs infested with fruit tree crab cut well a hand's breadth below the cancerous spot. On the other hand, cancerous areas on the trunk and on thicker branches are cut out with the knife, if necessary also with the saw, into the healthy wood. Absolutely necessary is the final treatment with a wound closure agent to prevent re-entry of the pathogen. In commercial fruit growing, copper-containing products are used to control but are not permitted for use in the home garden. As a heavy metal, copper accumulates in the soil and impairs the organisms living there.

Proper wound care for fruit trees

On fruit trees, damage caused by tree crayfish (as well as frost, pest and wild animal feeding, twig monilia or fruit tree trimming) should be followed up to heal quickly and prevent the ingress of fungi and other pathogens. For larger cancer sites, proceed as described:


Winter frost damage can be avoided if you provide the fruit tree with a lime paint.