How to properly plant a fruit tree - location, soil, planting distance

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a Fruit Tree in Clay Soil: Tricks & Tips
Video: Planting a Fruit Tree in Clay Soil: Tricks & Tips


Fruit trees need a lot of sun

How to properly plant a fruit tree - location, soil, planting distance

Is there anything more delicious than harvesting a crunchy apple or a sweet pear from your garden and eating it fresh from the tree? The selection of suitable fruit types and varieties is large - however, not every tree is suitable for every garden and when planting important information should also be considered. However, if the location, soil and other conditions are favorable, nothing stands in the way of a rich harvest.

Which location is best for fruit trees?

Most fruits require a full sun so that their fruits can take on the varietal color and develop the characteristic aroma. Some species still feel at ease in the semi-shade, as long as they get direct sun for several hours every day. For shadier (but not quite dark!) Locations, we recommend typical forest edge plants such as blackberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, etc.

Which soil do fruit trees prefer?

Here, no general statements can be made, because each fruit tree prefers, depending on the species and variety, another soil. Apples, pears and cherries like dry, well-drained soil, while plums still feel good in moist soil.

Plant the fruit tree in the garden - That's how it works

When planting the fruit tree, it is particularly important that the soil is previously well loosened.If a larger number of trees to be planted, it is recommended to take a soil sample. For example, missing nutrients (especially phosphorus and potassium) can be specifically incorporated before planting in the form of a reserve fertilizer. And so is planted:

When is the best time to plant fruit trees?

Fruit trees should preferably be planted in the autumn, but early spring is also very suitable as a planting date.

Which planting distance should be kept?

Anyone who has just bought a small fruit tree in the nursery, likes to plant it at far too close a distance to the other trees - but the apple tree will grow and can take on considerable proportions depending on the growth habit. Below we have therefore listed the recommended planting distances for the most important types of fruit and growth that have proven in home and garden.

Keep the planting distances strictly, as well-exposed crowns are one of the most important requirements for sun-kissed fruit of high quality. In addition, in too dense plantings diseases occur much more frequently.

What are the margins and why are they so important?

Almost more important than the planting distances are the margins. Again and again a neighborly relationship is clouded by a tree or shrub watching over the border. Although the specific provisions for this are very different in the individual federal states, but this simple rule of thumb actually fits almost everywhere: The ideal border distance is at half the planting distance. This means that if you plant a plum tree, for example, a distance of about three meters should be kept to the neighboring fence - then it will work with the neighbors as well.

Are there also fruit trees that are suitable for the Kübelhaltung?

Most classic fruit trees such as apple, pear and Co. can grow up to four meters and more. They are not suitable for a bucket culture because of their size. If, on the other hand, the fruit trees are grafted onto weakly waxy substrates, they can also be kept in a sufficiently large pot. Pale fruit is also very good.


Especially with spindle bushes and berry trunks you should check the tree pole from time to time and, if necessary, renew it.