Simple and uncomplicated - the care of a nectarine tree

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Simple and uncomplicated - the care of a nectarine tree

The nectarine tree is frugal as a fruit tree and can be planted in the field or in a bucket. He loves a sunny and warm location. The care is limited to regular watering, cutting and fertilizing.

Early article cutting information and tips about the nectarine tree Next article The curling disease in the nectarine tree

How often is a nectarine tree watered?

In the first year, the nectarine tree and container plant are watered regularly and from the second year only in drought.

How do I make a nectarine tree?

A nectarine tree is ideally transplanted before the beginning of the growing season. It should be ensured that the fine roots are not injured

How often is a nectar tree cut and how?

In the first two years, the young nectarine is usually allowed to grow unhindered. But then once a year, a cut must be made to shape the tree and promote its vitality. Basically, the nectarine tree bears fruit on the shoots of the previous year, which is why they must not be removed. In addition, should be paid to a regular Auslichten the crown to promote the light.

Are there certain pests and vermin that affect the nectarine tree?

It is mainly aphids that can make nectarine trees. This can be recognized by the buds, which simply fall off, as well as the deformed leaves. Quick action is required to prevent explosive spreading, with glue rings attached to the tree trunk have been found to be very effective.

Which fungal diseases can affect a nectarine tree?

In particular, there are two fungal diseases that can damage the nectarine tree. This includes

The ruffling disease shows in the form of ruffled leaves that die in the worst case. Monilia expresses itself by ring-shaped, brownish discolored fouling.

How often is a nectarine tree fertilized?

In spring and summer, a complete fertilizer is administered.

How does a nectarine tree come through the winter?

Nectarine trees planted in a bucket are transported in winter to a cold location that is frost-free and bright. If it is a nectarine tree planted in the field, the root system should be covered with brushwood, straw and leaves in frosty temperatures. If the first flower buds are drifting, they are protected in late frost with garden fleece or jute mats.

Tips & Tricks

TIP: In a sufficiently large bucket and in a wind and weather protected location, the nectarine tree can also be placed on the balcony. There, from March to April, it delights with white to pale pink flowers and from August to September with its sweet fruits.