Creating natural grass - ecologically valuable and easy to care for

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creation Care: What Can We Actually Do? | Philip Hughes | ISCAST–NZCIS Conversations 2022 | #1
Video: Creation Care: What Can We Actually Do? | Philip Hughes | ISCAST–NZCIS Conversations 2022 | #1


Creating natural grass - ecologically valuable and easy to care for

A natural grass is ideal to green a larger area, which is otherwise little used. The maintenance effort is limited. Only to enter the flower meadow is less well suited. But you can still pick a bunch of flowers.

Natural grass - easy to put on and very easy to clean

Natural grass can be created almost everywhere

A natural grass can be created both in the direct sun and in the shade, on damp or dry soils. In shady locations other plants grow than in sunny locations. It is exactly the wild plants that live well with the respective conditions.

How to create a natural grass

Prepare the desired surface by loosening the soil and, if necessary, adding some sand or a little humus. A natural grass should not be too nutrient-rich, because many wild plants thrive better on nutrient-poor soils.

Only level the surface slightly. Unlike the landscape lawn bumps disturb not so much, as they are hardly recognizable under the vegetation.

Sprinkle selected meadow seeds over a wide area and just wait. The natural grass arises within a short time as if by itself.

Natural grass is very easy to care for

All work, which occurs in a cultivated lawn, are not necessary for natural grass. Natural grass is mowed as far as possible, because then the flowers would be removed.

Weed harvesting is superfluous, since the settlement of plants of all kinds is desired. Many of the so-called weeds provide food and shelter to the beneficial insects in the garden.

The natural grass is only cast when it is very dry for a long time. The best time to blow up is in the early morning or evening, because during the day the delicate plants would burn in the sun while they are wet. Fertilization is also unnecessary. Only in very nutrient-poor soils, you can give some fertilizer in the spring.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to turn an old lawn into a natural grass you just need to wait and see. Many wild herbs settle on their own. Of course, you can help with some wildflower seeds.
