Successfully overwinter the Moth King

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Overwinter Nucs - Overwintered Nucs - 2021
Video: How To Overwinter Nucs - Overwintered Nucs - 2021


The Moth King has to move to the house or the heated greenhouse in winter

Successfully overwinter the Moth King

The so-called moth king (Plectranthus) is often referred to as frankincense or elven gold. Outdoors, the frost-sensitive plant in this country is not hardy, but under the right conditions, it can be successfully cultivated perennial.

Winterize the Moth King brightly and frost-free

This plant is often planted in the garden because of its special odor, to prevent various types of vermin or even cats and dogs. Before the first night frosts, you should plant the Moth King in a pot and take it into the house. Similar to the Zimmerazalee, the moth-king in the house can also spend the winter in heated rooms, but it would be better to have a rather cool and nevertheless bright room. The root ball of the Moth King should not dry out in winter, but it must not be kept too moist.

Properly wintered, the Moth King drives vigorously in the second year

The location issue during wintering is especially important if the Moth King is to be replanted in the spring. Once he has become accustomed to the constant heat, he only tolerates the outdoor climate badly. However, if the frankincense has been wintering cool and lightly, there is a good chance of a particularly strong renewal after planting and pruning. You promote this through:


Similar to the dragon tree, the leaves of the moth king have attractive colored variegated leaf structures. Between May and August, however, with good care, extremely impressive inflorescences can form.