Can I multiply pencil plants myself?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why & How I’m Repotting My Pencil Cactus I Euphorbia Tirucalli I Green Moments w/Juliette Ep #21
Video: Why & How I’m Repotting My Pencil Cactus I Euphorbia Tirucalli I Green Moments w/Juliette Ep #21


The offshoots for the increase of the pencil shrub are best cut in the summer

Can I multiply pencil plants myself?

The rather frugal and easy-care pencil plants can be quite proliferate, preferably with cuttings. However, rooting takes time and does not always succeed. Therefore, you should cut several cuttings for a successful offspring.

Previous article Do I have to cut back my pencil bush regularly? Next article Is the pencil shrub poisonous?

When and how do I cut cuttings?

Cut your cuttings in the summer when the young shoots are well-formed. Pick the strongest and healthiest shoots and cut them directly over a leaf knot. Avoid contact with the poisonous sap, it is advisable to wear gloves, because quite a lot of juice escapes when cutting.

How are cuttings planted?

Many offshoots can roast you in a glass of water, for the pencil bush this method is less recommended. The danger of fouling is quite big.

Rooted your cuttings in substrate, then let the cuttings dry for a few days, for example on newspaper or kitchen paper, and use relatively dry and humus poor substrate. Well suited is a mixture of cactus clay and sand. Insert the offshoots about three to five centimeters deep. Pour sparingly so your cuttings do not rot.

How do I take care of cuttings and young plants?

Both the cuttings and the young plants place you in a bright and warm place, but not in the blazing sun. The temperature should be at least 20 ° C. You need a bit of patience for the rooting, it can take quite a few weeks.

If your new pencil bush drives out, then he has already formed roots. Continue to pour moderately and repot the pencil plant after a few months. In the first year, you should not expose the plant to direct sunlight. A place in the partial shade you get better.

The essentials in brief:


When cutting your offshoots, make sure that your hands do not come into contact with the milky sap because it can cause severe allergic reactions.