Grow different varieties of carrots

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Lots of Carrots in Small Raised Bed Plus Tips!
Video: Growing Lots of Carrots in Small Raised Bed Plus Tips!


Grow different varieties of carrots

With relatively little effort, you can also grow tasty carrots in your own garden. The nutritious root vegetables grow in rows on loose and humus-rich soils in the raised bed or in the vegetable bed and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Earlier carrots simply plant in their own garden Next article Worth knowing about the sowing of carrots

A wealth of different varieties

There are a variety of different varieties of carrots, which are cultivated today in private gardens and commercial cultivation. If you want to sow carrots yourself in the garden, you will usually be spoiled for choice in the trade. However, most of the cultivars offered correspond to today's standard image of orange carrots. In particular, earlier cultivars of carrots from the 17th and 18th centuries were still predominantly white, yellow or purplish-purple in color.

The distinction according to the purpose

Depending on the intended use, a distinction is made between different genera of carrots based on their use properties. For example:

It is advisable to have precise information on the growth characteristics and requirements of a variety before sowing the rows in the vegetable patch.

Long carrots for camp and kitchen

The most popular varieties with long root include Nantaise, Merida, Ingot and Adelaide with rather blunt tip. An equally long root are the tapered varieties Sperlings Cubic and Sweet Candle. These carrot varieties are perfect for storage with their long roots, but can also be eaten fresh after harvest.

Funny species for the colorful kitchen

The standard program in the world's kitchens includes carrot species such as the Parisian carrots, which grow to barely over 4 cm in length and grow approximately spherical. Colorful effects can also be conjured while cooking with the yellow roots of the variety Yellow Stone and the almost white variety Creme de Lite. When cultivating, mix different kinds of carrots to bring variety to the plate.

Tips & Tricks

In order to harvest particularly delicate and fine carrots, you do not necessarily have to resort to special seeds. Carrots can also be harvested as relatively young plantlets by pulling the remaining few centimeters long main roots together with the leaves out of the ground. As there are no unripe carrot roots, even young carrots can be eaten raw or cooked at any time.