Simply plant carrots in your own garden

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Vegetables and Herbs you can Grow from your Kitchen | Don’t buy seeds
Video: Vegetables and Herbs you can Grow from your Kitchen | Don’t buy seeds


Simply plant carrots in your own garden

It does not take much gardening expertise to harvest fresh carrots directly from your own garden. The cultivation of carrots is child's play, if a sufficiently loose and nutrient-rich soil and a sufficient protection against pests are considered.

Next article Cultivate different varieties of carrots

Which plants are recommended?

Basically, carrots are usually not to buy as young plants, as the effort of Pikierens not worthwhile. However, the seed varieties available on the market usually have detailed instructions on the packaging, which provide information about the special needs of the respective carrot variety. It is roughly differentiated between early varieties for fresh consumption and later varieties for storage over the winter.

What is the right location for carrots?

First, you should be careful not to grow carrots in the same place for two years in a row. Rather carrots should ideally be in the same bed only about every three years, because they are medium-eaters and otherwise attract more pests. Carrots love a warm and sunny location like a raised bed, but should be protected from dehydration by regular watering.

How are carrots ideally sown?

Pulling and picking carrots is only useful if you want to harvest the first carrots very early in the year. Otherwise, carrots will be sown directly in rows from the end of February or the beginning of March. Pay attention to not too dense seeding of the tiny seeds and water the seeds well.

Can I also transplant too close carrots?

It does not only happen to garden beginners that the carrot plants, which become visible after a germination period of about three weeks, prove to be too close to each other. If the plants are too good for you to pull out, you can also gently separate them. Pour dry soil first and then gently pull excess plantlets out of the ground. Watch for an intact root neck, which you sink into a finger-drilled hole at the new destination before gently pressing the earth all around. As an alternative to transplanting, from a certain size it is also possible to use the young carrots directly for consumption.

When can I harvest carrots?

If carrots are already sown in February and March, a harvest after a cultivation period of about three months is already possible in May, with corresponding seed the season lasts until November. The carrots intended for winter storage should be sown at the latest in June, if you are to develop sufficiently before the winter.

How much space do carrots need?

When sowing, a distance of about 25 centimeters between the rows should not be undercut as far as possible. About two weeks after germination, the carrots should be singulated for optimal conditions at a distance of at least five centimeters from each other.

Tips & Tricks

Carrots should not be too deep in the raised bed behind the boundary walls, as a windy location rather protects against infestation with the larvae of the carrot fly. This pest can also be kept at a distance by planting onions and tagetes between the rows of carrots.